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|books=[[The Final Empire]]
'''Valtroux''', also referred to as '''Valtroux City''', was a city in the [[Central Dominance]] of the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb1|24}}
It had a garrison of five thousand soldiers strong. It was at least two days riding to the north from [[Luthadel]], and a three days' march from [[Holstep]] and the [[Arguois caverns]].{{book ref|mb1|25}}
== History ==
WhenAfter [[Yeden]] was put in charge of the [[skaa rebellion]]'s small army, he commanded his armythem to attack the [[Holstep]], Garrisonhoping that his men would gain some experience in a relatively easy fight.{{book ref|mb1|25}} The skaa rebelsforce managednumbered toseven defeatthousand, thewhile Holstep's Garrisongarrison ofonly had about a thousand soldiers.{{book strong,ref|mb1|24}}{{book butref|mb1|24}} gotAbout slaughteredtwo bythousand of the Valtrouxskaa Garrison(including [[Demoux]]) did not participate in the attack, whobelieving equaledthat theirYeden initialwas numbersacting butrashly wereand betterwould trainedexpose the army's position.{{book ref|mb1|25}} Still, Yeden and equippedfive thousand rebels defeat the Holstep Garrison, although the fight proved more difficult than Yeden anticipated.{{book ref|mb1|25}} However, the rebelsHolstep Garrison managed to send a messenger to nearby Valtroux City.{{book ref|mb1|25}} Valtroux's Garrison numbered five thousand, and immediately marched to Holstep.{{book ref|mb1|24}}
News of the Holstep battle reached [[Luthadel]], and [[Kelsier]] and his crew learned of Yeden's foolhardy actions.{{book ref|mb1|25}} Kelsier set out with [[Vin]] to help the skaa, but by the time they arrived, the Valtroux Garrison had slaughtered the rebels.{{book ref|mb1|25}} The Valtroux force was on order to take no prisoners, and put the heads of Yeden and several other officers on spears next to a road.{{book ref|mb1|25}} The only survivors were Demoux's group, who had concealed themselves.{{book ref|mb1|25}}
Shortly after the battle, the [[Luthadel Garrison]] arrived to relieve the Valtroux troops who actually were quite beat up, and continued to search for remaining skaa rebels who fled the battle.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
The skaa force was better prepared than other rebellions in the past and managed to put up a decent fight,{{book ref|mb1|26}} but they were not yet ready to face a fully trained garrison of equal size,{{book ref|mb1|24}} particularly since the battle with the Holstep Garrison had just concluded.{{book ref|mb1|25}} The brutality of the Valtroux Garrison was presumably meant to quash the skaa rebellion, as the [[Lord Ruler]] was aware of the situation{{book ref|mb1|24}} and had massacred rebellious skaa in previous incidents such as [[Tougier]].{{book ref|mb1|4}} Kelsier blamed himself for the defeat, and believed that his own enthusiasm and the promise of help from [[Allomancer]]s were the source of Yeden's overconfidence.{{book ref|mb1|25}}
Shortly after the battle, the [[Luthadel Garrison]] arrived to relieve the Valtroux troops who actually were quite beat up, and continued to search for remaining skaa rebels who fled the battle.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
== Notes ==