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Large tenements to pack skaa families were uncommon but existed, and a six-story building like this was exceptional in Luthadel. Skaa tenements mostly had a central hearth, but put it out after preparing the evening meal as wood to burn was too expensive.{{book ref|mb1|32}} <br>
Buildings had raingutters.{{book ref|mb1|33}} <br>
The grounds of Luthadel are reasonably flat with small hills.{{book ref|mb1|34}}
== Landmarks ==
Attended executions in black carriage drawn by a pair of massive white stallions.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
His Soothing is strong enough to influence someone burning copper.{{book ref|mb1|27}} <br>
"Then it hit. Like a cloud moving before the sun, like a sudden storm on a quiet night, like a pair of fingers snuffing a candle. An oppressive hand stifled the budding skaa emotions." Description of Lord Ruler in public.{{book ref|mb1|34}}
==== Steel Ministry ====
Ministry had hazekillers.{{book ref|mb1|33}}
Ministry had archers in their armies, on special occasions even with obsidian-tipped arrows.{{book ref|mb1|34}}
Luthadel had a massive wall, but that was unnecessary since the Lord Ruler controlled everything and no army would attack during his reign.{{book ref|mb1|19}} It was the only city in the Final Empire that was allowed to have a city wall.{{cite}}
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