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started on Politics#Final Empire#Nobility
m (limit culture#nobility notes (note to self: got a backup))
(started on Politics#Final Empire#Nobility)
=== Nobility ===
Each family that could afford a keep in Luthadel was considered a Great House.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
High Nobles, contradictory to everyone else, could afford candles and lamp oil, therefore stay up late at night. Most Great Houses held hazekillers. Some nobles cultivated plants indoors, those were white or ruddy or even slightly yellow instead of usual brown.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
A major house war happens every couple of centuries, hadn't been one for a long time before the Collapse. Nobles have an unspoken rule: won't use Mistborn to assassinate each other.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Mistborn were so rare that nobles couldn't afford gender prejudices to them.{{book ref|mb1|7}} <br>
Great Houses often had another residence, besides keep in Luthadel, in a suburb-style city like Fellise, having a keep to count as great house doesn't mean having to live there constantly.{{book ref|mb1|8}}
During the last days of the Final Empire there were ten Great Houses in Luthadel, in order of importance{{book ref|mb1|9}}:
# [[House Venture]]
# [[House Hasting]]
# [[House Elariel]]
# [[House Tekiel]]
# [[House Lekal]]
# [[House Erikeller]]
# [[House Erikell]]
# [[House Haught]]
# [[House Urbain]]
# [[House Buvidas]]
Terris stewards/servants.{{book ref|mb1|10}}({{book ref|mb1|16}}){{expand}} <br>
House wars are mainly political, and balls are the political battlefields.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
From time to time, the Lord Ruler just let house wars happen.{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
The aristocracy is primarily a financial institution, and lack of funds will bring any house down.{{book ref|mb1|27}} <br>
Straff Venture was considered to be the perfect imperial nobleman, being tall, firm-shouldered and always dressed in a tailored vest and suit. House Hasting was a strong mercantile house, but also dependent upon their contracts; having one main source of income makes a house vulnerable too. House Tekiel left Luthadel and was killed in their canal boats, likely by other nobles. Nobles are willing to kill rivals when it benefits them. "Kind of like thieving crews, she thought. The nobility really aren’t that different from the people I grew up around." Nobility mimicked the Lord Ruler; they wear metal rings because he does, even though it makes them vulnerable to Allomancers and Inquisitors.{{book ref|mb1|28}} <br>
==== Nobility ====
Besides the Lord Ruler and the Steel Ministry, the high nobility is also influential in the capital of the Final Empire. These families are called Great Houses, those who can afford to own a keep in Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|2}} However, most Great Houses also have a secondary residence in one of the suburb-like cities like Fellise around Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|2}} All noble houses are mainly financial institutions, with a high income they can exert influence, but a lack of funds will also bring them down.{{book ref|mb1|27}} This means that houses with a good mercantile contract can quickly rise in power, but if they depend on it that makes them vulnerable too. For example, House Venture was responsible for mining the Lord Ruler's atium, but if they would fail to meet his quotas their income would be cut off and as a result they would lose their position as most influential Great House.{{book ref|mb1|28}}
//Controlling the skaa <br>
// house wars
"Technically, the Lord Ruler owns the skaa, but the noblemen rent them, and are allowed to kill as many as they want." Skaa aren't people to nobles.{{book ref|mb1|22}} <br>
House Venture was responsible for mining the Lord Ruler's atium. This made them the richest noble house, but they were vulnerable too in case they couldn't meet the Lord Ruler's quotas.{{book ref|mb1|28}} <br>
DuringLuthadel counted ten Great Houses during the last days of the Final Empire there were ten Great Houses in Luthadel, in order of importance these are:{{book ref|mb1|9}}:
# [[House Venture]]
# [[House Hasting]]
# [[House Elariel]]
# [[House Tekiel]]
# [[House Lekal]]
# [[House Erikeller]]
# [[House Erikell]]
# [[House Haught]]
# [[House Urbain]]
# [[House Buvidas]]
// lesser nobles
=== Luthadel Assembly ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
