Difference between revisions of "User:Thurin/Luthadel"

To do & done list
m (To do & done list)
'''Luthadel''' was the capital city of the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]]. It was governed by the [[Lord Ruler]] for over a thousand years. After the [[Collapse]], Luthadel became the capital city of the [[New Empire]].
== To do ==
*Write topography section
*Write layout section
*Extend Kredik Shaw section to include storage cavern and well of ascension
*Finis battle of Luthadel section
*Write balls section
*Go through skaa notes, see if any notes should go to another section before deleting
*Write church of the survivor section
*Write Lord Ruler section
*Write Luthadel Assembly section
*Write New Empire section
*Process minor notes
*Move most trivia in main article
*Early history, skaa rebellion, collapse, siege of Luthadel history sections
*Geography -> climate
*Geography -> landscape
*Geography -> architecture
*Landmarks -> Kredik Shaw (partially)
*Landmarks -> keeps
*Landmarks -> squares
*History -> capital of the New Empire
*Culture -> underground
*Politics -> Final Empire -> Steel Ministry
*Politics -> Final Empire -> Nobility
== Geography ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
