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Zinc Gate first to break. Some civilians, skaa, starting to gather around the gates to watch the fighting, waiting for the Lady Heir to show up and stop the koloss, or else Holy First Witness. Koloss corpses piling up outside the walls, which allowed largest koloss to jump onto the wall.{{book ref|mb2|52}}
After the Zinc Gate, the Pewter Gate, Steel Gate, Tin Gate broke, in this order. So 4 in total. Main breach at the Tin Gate. Once the gates were lost, the defenders fell back to other positions. Clubs ordered soldiers at Zinc Gate to retreat to Keep Lekal where Ham was preparing and leading the defenses, or to come with Clubs to Keep Hasting. However at that moment the koloss who had come in from the north took them by surprise and killed Clubs. Koloss also attacked Keep Venture, and killed Dockson. Keep Lekal fell.{{book ref|mb2|53}}
Penrod stayed sheltered in Keep Hasting. Penrod denied access to the keep to Sazed and refugees. Vin discovers how to control koloss and saves the day.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
Twenty thousand troops defending Luthadel. Five out of eight gates within quick reach of koloss. This means only a couple thousand guards at each gate. Divided into twenty battalions, Penrod assigned noblemen to be in charge of them but they were not necessarily capable. Clubs in charge of city defenses. One of the 'crewmembers' at each gate. Keep Venture was the main command post of the defenses. Divisiveness between Dockson leading the 'crew', and nobles in charge.{{book ref|mb2|50}}
Steel Gate: thousand men, Sazed in charge, furthest of the five within reach of koloss.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Batallion 16, led by lord Culee. Six companies (600 men, of 1000) ordered to reinforce the Pewter Gate by Penrod's orders. Of 400 left, 100 at wall and 300 at courtyard.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Captain Bedes took over from Culee once the latter went off to reinforce Pewter Gate. Bedes killed by a koloss, Sazed took command, tapping enormous amounts of strength from his metalminds.{{book ref|mb2|52}} Gate had fallen, but they still held the square. Faithfuls had started pulling wounded to safety. Only one of the door gates had actually broken, so in a brief moment of koloss being rebuffed, Sazed stormed up to the gate and managed to close it again, using weight from his metalminds. Soldier formed up around the gate, killing all remaining koloss on the courtyard, and then reinforced the gate again. Barely fifty men remained at this point. Gate was giving in now. Bystanders motivated the soldiers to keep fighting, for them. However, eventually all of them fell, and just when Sazed's metalminds ran out, Vin came to the rescue.{{book ref|mb2|53}}
Tin Gate: Tindwyl.{{book ref|mb2|51}} When gate was lost, they retreated towards Keep Venture, but the soldiers including Tindwyl were killed before the could arrive there.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
Tin Gate: Tindwyl{{book ref|mb2|51}}
Pewter Gate: Ham, would hit first, Clubs would send reinforcements{{book ref|mb2|51}}
Zinc Gate: Breeze{{book ref|mb2|52}}
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