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Sanderson uses the term "Final Beyond" to refer to the afterlife, but indicates that there's a "middle place" as well, where people can still interact with the physical realm. Maybe?
http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=727#60 no18, also see no45 for explanation of how shards fuel allomancy and no57 for Sazed possibly making returned in the future, no58 Sazed can see spirits remaining in spiritual or cognitive realms, no81 Vin and Elend returned in the future, n87 more great beyond
"The ethnicity of the name should strike you," so Aslydin is probably not originally from Scadrial. She is part of the 17th shard, though, so that's probably how Demoux was drafted. http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/2ytg2h/im_novelist_brandon_sanderson_ama/cpcrd4w
== Cosmere Works Read ==