
Joined 11 April 2021
6 bytes added ,  3 years ago
== Cosmere theories ==
*[[Trellium]] is an alloy of lerasium and atium. The way that I think it works stems from the fact that Sazed holds two Shards with conflicting Intents, but the Intent of him, the Vessel, leans more closely to Preservation. My theory is that this disunity caused another personality to manifest; one that "''also"'' holds the Shards, but leans more closely toward Ruin. It would also explain how Trell would be able to both prevent Sazed from realizing who they are and blocking his Connection to Paalm, "''and"'' how it was possible to make a Hemalurgic spike out of trellium.
*Even if Dabbid did obtain a Nahel bond, it wouldn't cure his "difference". He postulates that it was brain damage caused by his umbilical cord almost strangling him at birth, but even if that was the case, the Nahel bond doesn't repair trauma-induced mental illness. Szeth's psychosis remained even after bonding his highspren, and Shallan's DID actually manifested in earnest "''after"'' bonding Testament and Pattern. Poor Dabbid.
*There's atium in the Well of Ascension, since Sazed would have put both his perpendicularities in the same spot to save mind space.
*On the topic of atium: If you forged a weapon out of it and stabbed an Allomancer who was burning a metal, you'd gain the metal's effects. (Raysium conducts his counterpart's Investiture; atium would likely do the same.)
