Difference between revisions of "User:Fbstj/gadget/history-test.js"

Fbstj moved page User:Fbstj/common.js to User:Fbstj/gadget/history-test.js without leaving a redirect
m (try that)
m (Fbstj moved page User:Fbstj/common.js to User:Fbstj/gadget/history-test.js without leaving a redirect)
(54 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function revs_gadget() {
/* Add edit link to templates */
$(function () {
const pageid = mw.config.get('wgArticleId')
function add_editsection_link(box) {
const query = {
if (!box.id) return;
// FIXME:request the whathistory doesof this do?page
pageids: [pageid],
const id = box.id.replace(/\.(\d+)/, '%$1')
prop: 'revisions',
// generate an edit link
// request the oldest edits first
const el = make_editsection_link('/edit/Template:'+ id)
rvdir: 'newer',
// get the title element
// request as many as you can at once
const title = box.querySelector('.title')
rvlimit: 'max',
// properties to fetch:
rvprop: [ 'ids', 'user', 'timestamp', 'size', 'tags', ],
const api = new mw.Api({ parameters: query, })
api.get().then(function old_hist(resp) {
const page = resp.query.pages[pageid]
function enable_link(el) { el.style['pointer-events'] = 'auto' }
// move notices above infobox
while (true) {
// don't do things on edit page
const edit_box = document.querySelector('.editButtons')
if (!!edit_box) break
if (location.search != '') break
// find {{notice}} after {{infobox}}
var el = document.querySelector('.infobox+.notice')
if (!el) { // check first child of #mw-content-text is a notice
const txt = document.querySelector('#mw-content-text')
if (txt.firstElementChild.classList.contains('notice'))
el = txt.firstElementChild
if (!el) break
const infobox = document.querySelector('.infobox.side')
if (!infobox) {
// move above the title on non-infobox pages
const ind = document.querySelector('.mw-indicators')
ind.parentElement.insertBefore(el, ind)
} else {
const row = infobox.insertRow(0)
const cell = row.insertCell()
$(function () {
// 2018-11-05 move the bottom patrol link to the top
const patrols = document.querySelectorAll('.patrollink')
if (patrols.length == 1) {
const first_edit_link = document.querySelector('.mw-editsection')
patrols[0].style['font-size'] = 'inherit'
// 2019-03-03 autofill artist pages
;mw.hook('wikipage.editform').add(function () {
const page_name = mw.config.get('wgPageName')
if (!page_name.startsWith('Coppermind:Artists/')) { return; }
const edit = document.querySelector('textarea')
// show pending progress
mw.notify('scanning for new files linking to '+ page_name).then(function(note) {
// perform API query
;(new mw.Api()).get({
action: "query",
format: "json",
prop: "linkshere",
titles: page_name,
lhnamespace: "6", // File: namespace only
"lhlimit": "max", // don't limit to 10
}).then(function(resp) {
const pid = Object.keys(resp.query.pages)[0]
const new_files = []
// hide progress notification
// determine which new files link here
if (!resp.query.pages[pid].linkshere) { mw.notify('no files link to '+ page_name); return; }
const pages = resp.query.pages[pid].linkshere.map(function(page) { return page.title.split(':')[1] })
for (var i in pages) {
const page = pages[i]
if (edit.value.includes(page)) { continue; }
new_files.push(pages[i] + ' | ')
// don't change the page if there's nothing to change
if (new_files.length == 0) { mw.notify('no new files link to '+ page_name); return; }
mw.notify(new_files.length +' new files link to '+ page_name);
if (edit.value.includes('</gallery>')) {
// add the lines to the end of the current gallery
edit.value = edit.value.replace('</gallery>', new_files.join("\n") +"\n</gallery>")
} else {
// create a gallery at the bottom of the page
edit.value += "\n\n<gallery>\n"+ new_files.join("\n") +"\n</gallery>\n"
// TODO: don't add galleries to article section edits
}) // api.get.then
}) // note.close
// 2019-04-13 try to make buttons from links
; mw.hook('wikipage.diff').add(function(){
// load the notify function
// create an api client
//const api = new mw.Api()
// fetch the current RC id for the later request
//const rcid = mw.util.getParamValue('rcid', this.href)
// the old "button"
const old = document.querySelector('.patrollink')
// setup the new button
const btn = document.createElement('button')
btn.textContent = 'Patrol'
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
// clicked
btn.setAttribute('disabled', true)
setTimeout(function() { btn.removeAttribute('disabled') }, 5000);
// hide old button and show new one