
From The Coppermind
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Hello! I'm a long term reader of The Coppermind, but a newb contributer. I've been wanting to start contributing for a while and finally made the plunge (in a very small way so far :))

Note - figure out how to delete subpages

Testing Below Here!


Oathbringer: "It was long and slightly curved, a handspan wide, with wavelike serrations near the hilt. It curved at the tip like a fisherman's hook."[1]

Adolin's Shardblade: "As long as a man is tall... long and sinuous, its single edge rippled like an eel and curved up into a point. The back bore delicate ridges, like crystal formations."[2] When he summons his Shardblade, "The white fog appeared-manifesting as little vines sprouting in the air-before snapping into the form of a sharblade."[3] Maybe this means his blade was once held by one of the Radiants that used the Progresion Surge?

Helaran's Shardbale: "A line of mist coalesced into silvery steel. A Blade some six feet long, curved and thick, with the side that wasnt sharp rising into a shape like burning flames or perhaps ripples of water. It had a gemstone set at the pommel, and as light reflected of the metal, the ridges seemed to move."[4] Later described as "A Blade with the back edge ridged like flowing waves. Or perhaps tonues of fire. Etchings all along its surface. Curved, sinuous."[5]

Shallan's blade: "it glowed softly the color of garnet along several faint lines down its length."[6] Living blades (and plate) seem to glow with the color associated with their order of Randiants. Touching Shallan's blade doesnt cause Kaladin to hear screams (though this is when Syl isnt with him anymore.

Syl on Szeth's Honoblade: "It's something special. It was created to give abilities to men, much as our bond does."[5] Syl+Kal on Shardblades: -Syl "they're evil." -Kal "Because they're symbols of the knights' broken oaths. But where did they come from in the first place? how were they forged?" Syl didnt answer. "Can a new one be forged? One that doesnt bear the stain of broken promises?" -Syl "Yes."[5]
