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=== After the Last Desolation and Odiums containment ===
Following the Last Desolation and Odium becoming trapped on Braize Hoid left the Rosharan system and explored the wider Cosmere, during this time period Hoid managed to play a role in the founding of the [[Worldbringers]] and [[Worldsingers]]{{cite}}{{wob ref|6749}}{{wob ref|10556}}{{wob ref|15843}} (Kwaam epigraph reference.) as well as the [[Worldsingers]].{{cite}} He also travelled to another world where he became a renowned gambler for a time, before ultimately losing all his worth over a game ending in a tie.{{book ref|sa4|99}} Around this stage it also appears Hoid may visited [[Obrodai]], what he did on the world is unknown but he angered [[Autonomy]] enough for her to later form an avatar there with an overpowering dislike for Hoid.{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}}
Later on Hoid went on to travel to [[Taldain]] for unknown reasons, he visited often enough that the Diem recognised his existence and began investigating his nature and ability to get off world.{{wob ref|3087}}. During a later visit Hoid found himself on world following the destruction of the Diem and the Ak'ar's attempted rise to power,{{wob ref|3964}} while there he got involved in a criminal case that [[Ais]] was investigating{{wob ref|5877}} and was present when the [[Taishin]] voted to disband the Diem.{{wob ref|5776}} Following the collapse of support for the Ak'ar and the saving of the Diem by their [[Kenton|new leader]] Hoid managed to get on the same boat as [[Khriss]] as she departed to [[Darkside]] where he sang a song to passangers about the meaning of art.{{book ref|ws3|6}}{{wob ref|12052}} During a later visit Hoid would eventually enjoy instant noodles whilst on Taldain.{{wob ref|8164}}
