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== Characters ==
<nowiki>*</nowiki> denotes Point of View character
=== Sisirinah (Siri)* ===
[[Siri]] is the main character of the book. She is the youngest princess of the small country Idris, and is known for being rebellious and colorful, rather than attempting to detract attention from herself as the Idrian doctrine of Austreism requires. On the day of Vivenna's birthday, when Vivenna is required to be sent to Hallandren, their father decides to send Siri in her place. Siri's ability to adapt and love for bright colors allows her to learn to enjoy Hallandren in a way that Vivenna would never have been able to. This, in turn, allows her to befriend the God King and Lightsong, as well as help defeat a plot to cause a war between Hallandren in Idris.
=== Vivenna* ===
*'''Potentially remove spoilers'''
=== Vasher* ===
=== Lightsong the BoldVivenna* ===
[[Vivenna]] is Siri's sister, and the eldest child of the king of Idris. She is the perfect daughter: responsible, caring, and completely devoted to Austre. There is a contract with Hallandren that requires her to be sent to marry the God King and bear him a child(which will be still-born and become the next God King) on her eighteenth birthday. However, when the time comes for her to go, the king is unable to relinquish her, and takes advantage of the loose wording of the contract(it states only that "the Princess must be sent on Vivenna's eigtheenth birthday") to send Siri in her place. Due to this, Vivenna goes through a brief depression, in which she feels like her only reason for living has been taken by Siri. She soon decides to go rescue Siri, however, and falls in with the mercenaries [[Denth]] and [[Tonk_Fah|Tonk Fah]], whom she hires to help rescue her sister.
=== Susebron ===
*'''Potentially remove spoilers'''
=== Llarimar ===
=== VivennaVasher* ===
=== Blushweaver the Beautiful ===
[[Vasher]] We don't know very much about Vasher until the end of the book, when we discover that he is one of the[[Five_Scholars|Five Scholars]] of Nalthis. He is presented as the villain until the middle of the book, when it is revealed that he is working against a war between Idris and Hallandren. He is quiet and unwilling to talk about his past, but there is something about him which makes Vivenna trust him. He is in possession of the sword [[Nightblood]], as well as large amounts of BioChromatic Breath.
=== Denth (VaraTreledees) ===
*'''This is bad and will be rewritten'''
===Lightsong the Bold*===
[[Lightsong]] is the Returned god of bravery in the Hallandren court of gods. He has no memory of his life before being Returned, and his only connection to his past life is through [[Llarimar]], his servant, who is forbidden from speaking of it. Because he is skeptical of the idea the he is a god and he wishes to stop the people of Hallandren from putting their faith in him, he acts outwardly foolish. This, however, does not seem to have an affect on how people view him, as they claim he must have died incredibly bravely to be returned. He is friends(or possibly more than friends) with the goddess [[Blushweaver]], and eventually they end up working together.
*'''Needs to be rewritten'''
=== Susebron ===
=== Llarimar ===
=== Blushweaver the Beautiful ===
===VaraTreledees (Denth)===
*''Include brief descriptions of the ''significant'' characters in the book. A few sentences at the most. Denote POV characters with an "*".''
== Setting ==
''Warbreaker'' takes place on the planet [[Nalthis]], a [[Shardworld]] in [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson's]] [[Cosmere]].{{qa ref|428|106|One other question, what is the name of the planet that Elantris is on?|date=Jul, 2009}} The story occurs mostly in the city of [[T'Telir]], capital of [[Hallandren]], with some early scenes set in Bevalis, capital of [[Idris]].
*''Brief summary of setting (alternate Earth or Shardworld? Where on?)''
===Magic System===
{{for|Awakening}} '''Is there a way to put more than one link in this <nowiki>{{for}}</nowiki> template? It would be nice to link to BioChromatic Breath as well.'''
The magic system on Nalthis is known as [[Awakening]]. Using an individual's [[BioChromatic Breath|Breath]], or innate [[Investiture]], as fuel, an Awakener can animate lifeless objects, such as scarves, rugs, straw, etc. Color is also a fuel for Awakening, and upon relinquishing one's Breath, color is drained from an object that the Awakener is touching '''(do they have to be touching?)''', though this object is not the object being Awakened. The final piece to the Awakening puzzle is the [[Command]], a verbal phrase that describes what the Awakener wants the object being Awakened to do. Awakening often requires many Breaths to perform. This is somewhat problematic, as each person born on Nalthis is born with a single Breath. An individual can give their Breath to someone else, however, thus making Awakening possible.
Holding many Breaths also grants the individual enhancements such as perfect pitch and perfect color recognition. These enhancements are obtained once an individual reaches specific [[Heightening|Heightenings]] by holding a certain number of Breaths. There are ten known Heightenings, and the threshold of Breath for each Heightening varies from individual to individual, though approximations can be made.
*''If applicable make a brief Magic System sub-section.''