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(I did some work on the page please read and compare to the live page.)
(ok I updated and added more removed more contradictory statements.)
'''Hoid''' is a recurring character in the [[cosmere]]. He has appeared in almost every cosmere novel, short story, and novella which takes place in that universe.
The three letters in part two of Oathbringer are directed at Cephandrius. The first two explicity says this, but the third one just says friend, however it is likely that they are all referring to the same person.
Hoid appears as Wit in the middle of the novel, discussing the nature of power with Shallan. He later helps her get into the Cult of Moments, and finds Shallan at her darkest moment when she discovers the food she has been giving to the poor is just making things worse. Hoid at some point gives a drawing of [[Talenel]] and [[Shalash]] to Jasnah.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
He Awakens a doll while escaping [[Kholinar]] and also acquires a [[Cryptic]], presumably the spren [[Elhokar]] was about to bond before he died.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
Ash comments why is Midius giving away pictures of them when she sees the drawings of [[Talenel]] and [[Shalash]].{{book ref|sa3|121}} Midius is a name Hoid is refereed to as in an unpublished work and it is probable that Ash is referring to Hoid in that instance. If the drawings are from Hoid he probably gave [[Jasnah]] the drawings after meeting her upon her return from [[Shadesmar]] before he headed to [[Kholinar]] {{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} Hoid is shown insulting a person who does not speak alethi in an attempt to get a reaction from the man. upon realizing that he can't understand alethi Hoid decides repeating it all in [[Thaylen]] would be boring so he cuts in front of the man. The man hits him and Hoid removes a loose tooth as he leaves the area, discarding the tooth. Hoid then awakens a doll to convince a little girl to leave the corpse of her mother, and after giving the child into the care of a family he heads to the palace where he also acquires a [[Cryptic]], presumably the spren [[Elhokar]] was about to bond before he died.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
== The Letters ==
In the epigraphs in Part 2 of The Way of Kings, there is the text of a [[letters|letter]]. Both its author and [[The Recipient|recipient]] are unknown. This letter refers to Vessels[[Vessel]]s by their names and begs the recipient for aid in the struggle against [[Rayse]], holder of the Shard [[Odium]]. If Hoid wrote this letter, it offers valuable insights into his personality and goals. The author of the Letter is being hunted by the Seventeenth Shard and has set a false trail for them to follow, which lines up well with the interlude in which three men are searching for Hoid. Brandon has also said that we "may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse," with the Letter being the only real example of this.{{wob ref|4130}}
The Letters in [[Oathbringer]]'s epigraphs are all from Shards{{17s ref|post|638473|text=Oathbringer's letters are from Shards we know.|date=2017-11-19}} and possibly all of them are directed to Hoid.
== Appearance & Personality ==
Hoid uses Feruchemy to gain limited foresight--he knows where he needs to go and when he needs to be there.{{qa ref|689|4}}{{qa ref|895|2}}
=== Allomancy ===
Hoid retrieved and may have ingested a bead of [[Lerasium]] from the Well of Ascension so that he could become an allomancer.{{qa ref|1013|1}}{{qa ref|1047|9}}{{qa ref|1151|7|Brandon on Hoid|date=2016-02-25}} He does appear to consume metal in Shallan's flashback the same way an Allomancer would.{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{qa ref|1073|1}} Brandon also said that he did it to make people act a certain way, implying that he was burning [[brass]] or [[zinc]].{{qa ref|1048|29}}
=== Awakening ===
Hoid likely has additional [[Breath]], something that a scene in Words of Radiance seems to confirm, as he mentions how playing and tuning an instrument was easier now with "perfect pitch"{{book ref|sa2|59}} - something granted to those with the Second Heightening (at least 200 breaths).{{qa ref|949|11}} He Awakens a doll prior to leaving [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
* Drifter{{msh ref|2|1}}
* Lunu’anaki{{book ref|sa2|46}}
* Cephandrius Maxtori{{17s ref|post|337235}} citation does not help post missing, Original post may have shown the question all that is left is Peter saying Cephandrius Maxtori. {{cite}}
=== Suspected Pseudonyms ===
* Midius{{book ref|sa3|121}} Midius is a name Hoid is refereed to as in an unpublished work, it is probable that Ash is referring to Hoid.
== Speculation ==
=== Hoid Wrote The Letter ===
In the epigraphs in Part 2 of The Way of Kings, there is the text of a [[letters|letter]]. Both its author and [[The Recipient|recipient]] are unknown. This letter refers to Vessels by their names and begs the recipient for aid in the struggle against [[Rayse]], holder of the Shard [[Odium]]. If Hoid wrote this letter, it offers valuable insights into his personality and goals. The author of the Letter is being hunted by the Seventeenth Shard and has set a false trail for them to follow, which lines up well with the interlude in which three men are searching for Hoid. Brandon has also said that we "may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse," with the Letter being the only real example of this.{{wob ref|4130}}
=== Worldsingers & Worldbringers ===
