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|image= Breeze.jpg
|family=[[House Ladrian]]
|spouse=[[Allrianne Cett]]
|descendants=[[Edwarn]], [[Waxillium]], [[Telsin]], [[Hinston]]
|title=Counselor of Gods
|aliases=Breeze, Counselor of Gods
|groups={{tag|Kelsier's crew}}, {{tag+|army|Venture}}
|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
|My dear friend, the entire point of life is to find ways to get other people to do your work for you. Don't you know anything about basic economics?
|Breeze to [[Hammond]].{{book ref|mb1|6}}
'''Edgard Ladrian''', better known as '''Breeze''', is a member of [[Kelsier's crew]] on [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb1|2}}

== Appearance and Personality ==
{{image|Breeze portrait.png|side=left|width=200px}}
He is commonly described as "portly", though he has lost weight at various points.{{book ref|mb1|4}} He wears extremely colorful clothes, and has black hair and a mustache.{{expand}} Breeze is often lazy, and delights in getting people to do things he doesn’t want to do, such as fetching him drinks.{{book ref|mb1|4}}

== Attributes and Abilities ==
He is a [[Brass|Soother]], who subtly Soothes everyone he comes across. This leads him to be mistrusted by many people. They are reluctant to do anything for him, as they are worried he might be Soothing them.{{book ref|mb1|4}} He is believed by [[Kelsier]] and many of his crew to be one of the most skilled Soothers on [[Scadrial]]. He helps to teach [[Vin]] some of the more in-depth aspects of Soothing. He has a refined and intricate control over his Soothing, and is skilled at Soothing people without them noticing. He does this to Vin on a few occasions.{{book ref|mb1|10}} He could influence several hundred people at once.

== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Breeze's age is never explicitly stated, but can be estimated. He claims that "[[Allrianne]] is half his age"{{book ref|mb2|36}} and that he has spent 30 years in the underground.{{book ref|mb2|46}} This implies a birth date between {{date|980|fe}} (assuming he joined the underground at the age of 14) and {{date|988|fe}} (a literal double of Allrianne's age). As a full blooded nobleman{{wob ref|2355}}{{book ref|mb2|23}}{{book ref|mb5|19}}, it is fairly safe to assume he did not join the underground before the age of 10 and that 30 years in the underground can mean no less than 26 years, even if he is rounding by decades rather than the more usual 5 years. This puts the very latest date at {{date|988|fe}}, but it is probably more around {{date|984|fe}}.

=== Kelsier's Crew ===
Breeze was invited by Dockson to attend Kelsier's meeting in Camon's old lair. He and Ham arrived around the same time and met [[Vin]]. She got angry when she realized he was Soothing her. When Kelsier explained his plan, Breeze joined his crew.{{book ref|mb1|4}}

{{image|Breeze by Elisgardor.jpg|side=left|width=300px}}

In the crew, Breeze was often used by Kelsier to interact with nobles, and he had several aliases among the different noble families.{{book ref|mb1|6}} During the overthrow of the [[Final Empire]], he operated with a team of Soothers and Rioters to recruit skaa for their army.{{book ref|mb1|10}} During one of the meetings he taught Vin how to use zinc and brass. After the rebellion when Elend became king, Breeze helped him write his speeches, as he was very skilled with persuasion even without using his Soothing. At some point he left to spy on [[Ashweather Cett|Cett]]. He began a relationship with [[Allrianne Cett]] while he was in the service of Lord Cett. When Cett attempted to invade [[Luthadel]], he reunited with the crew. He tried to deny Allrianne because of the huge age difference between them, but was brought into close contact when she arrived begging for protection.{{book ref|mb2|21}} It was later discovered that she was a [[zinc|Rioter]], and had been Rioting Breeze's emotions.{{book ref|mb2|36}}. It is unclear how much of his affection for her is due to genuine attraction for her and how much is due to this rioting, but she considers her conquest of Breeze one of her proudest accomplishments.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Breeze often Soothed members of the crew to make them more confident, although he did not want anybody to know about this because he would lose his reputation for being uncaring.{{book ref|mb2|20}}

{{image|Breeze by mushimallo.jpeg|side=right|width=200px}}
=== Elend's Crew ===
During the [[Siege of Luthadel]], Breeze acted as an advisor to Elend and bolstered his confidence during public appearances,{{book ref|mb2|20}} routinely helping control the mood of the crowd during them. This backfired, however, when [[Ashweather Cett|Cett]] pointed out that Elend had soothers in the crowd following his speech at the start of the election for king.{{book ref|mb2|32}} During the [[Battle of Luthadel]], Breeze placed his soothers in various squads to bolster the garrison, doing the same himself{{book ref|mb2|51}} until he eventually broke when Clubs was killed by a koloss in the fighting, causing him to become catatonic until Ham managed to find him and bring him to safety.{{book ref|mb2|53}} He remained unresponsive for the rest of the book.

=== The Seige of Urteau ===
Breeze arrived in Urteau with [[Sazed]] and [[Allrianne]] to continue the task of taking over the city from the [[Citizen]]. Upon arriving Breeze noticed that Spook had done a great deal on the city, and was much more confident in himself. Breeze spent his time in Urteau going to secret taverns with the crew in order to Sooth those gathered there, but also to learn as much information as possible.{{book ref|mb3|29}}{{book ref|mb3|35}}

During a Noble execution, Breeze notices that he feels the urge to rise up an rebel, but he recognizes the touch on his emotions as Allrianne Rioting him and many others. Breeze tells her that 'now is not the time',{{book ref|mb3|41}} but then works with her to Sooth their fears, while she Riots their sense to calm the crowds when the fires start to get our of hand.{{book ref|mb3|58}}

After the fires and while Spook is recovering from his burns wounds, Breeze spends his days making proclamations and listening to disputes. Breeze rules in Urteau, though [[Quellion]] is still in authority.{{book ref|mb3|59}}

=== Post Catacendre ===
After the Catacendre, Breeze becomes the '''Counselor of Gods'''to the Lord Mistborn. He establishes the Ladrian House and continues his life with Allrianne.

== Relationships ==
=== Ham ===
Breeze has an interesting relationship with Ham. The two often spend much of their time talking. While Breeze can be, at times, annoyed with Ham's warrior philosophy mentality; he enjoys the majority of their time together. They are overall, good friends and colleagues.

=== Clubs ===
|Do you know what it’s like, Clubs...Being a Soother?
|Breeze to [[Clubs]] during a drinking session{{book ref|mb2|35}}
Clubs and Breeze have a special relationship, that originally started out strained, as Clubs did not trust Breeze due to his Soothing and manipulation skills.{{book ref|mb1|5}} However, their relationship grows into a solid friendship, to the point where they end up drinking together every night.{{book ref|mb2|36}} During the Battle of Luthadel, Clubs saves Breeze from death by pushing him out of the way of a Koloss' sword, which resulted in Clubs nearly being cut in-two.{{book ref|mb2|52}}

=== Allrianne Cett ===
Allrianne uses her [[Rioting]] as regularly and effortlessly as Breeze uses his Soothing. So much in fact, that Breeze initially kept Allrianne at arms length because he couldn't tell whether or not she was manipulating his emotions to make him fall in love with her. Breeze feels guilty for his affection for Allrianne, and considers himself a "Dirty old man" for his relationship with her. However, he does truly love her and continues their relationship even after the Final Ascension and Catacendre.
***NEED BOOK REFERENCES*** [[soothing]]

=== House Ladrian ===
It was believed that he is a half-[[skaa]], but is truly a nobleman in hiding by the name of '''Edgard Ladrian'''.{{wob ref|2355}}{{book ref|mb2|23}}{{book ref|mb5|19}} After the Final Ascension, he becomes known as the '''Counselor of Gods''',{{book ref|aol|epilogue}} and founds [[House Ladrian]]. He is the ancestor of [[Waxillium Ladrian]]. One of his hands was given to a [[VenDell|Kandra]], and is still in use after the Catacendre.{{book ref|mb6|3}}

== Notes ==
{{Mistborn|Era 1}}
[[Category: Viewpoint characters]]
[[es:Edgard Ladrian]]

Latest revision as of 17:49, 27 December 2022