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When Dalinar arrived in Thaylen City he was met by [[Meridas]] Amaram who reported on the work his men had done to secure the city. Amaram tried to convince Dalinar to give him command of the fight to liberate Althkar but Dalinar commanded him to continue his work in Thaylen City and Amaram walked away. After discussing the problem of merchants and bankers leaving Theylen City with Fen Dalinar spoke with the Stormfather about what Odium had almost done to him. The Stormfather told Dalinar that Odium could have [[Splinter|Splintered]] him but held himself back out of fear of causing Cultivation to strike back at him. Dalinar asked the Stormfather who the other Bondsmith spren were, and the Stormfather told him that the [[Nightwatcher]] was one, but he refused to tell Dalinar about the [[sibling|third]] who slumbers. They discussed Honor's state at the time of the [[Recreance]] and then Dalinar left to go to the meeting.{{book ref|sa3|111}}
As Dalinar looked over the room he heard a voice in his head saying ''Unite them'' but the Stormfather insisted that he did not know who was speaking those words. Dalinar noticed the Azish fleet arriving in the harbor and asked Yanagawn to update him on the status of their troops. Fen took charge of the meeting and started to discuss the situation in her city. As they finished discussing the defenses of the city and the Azish began outlining their guidelines for the coalition Dalinar noticed Renarin suddenly leaving the meeting. He turned and saw a scribe bring Jasnah and Navani a sheaf of papers. The Stormfather rumbled in Dalinar's mind and he had a sudden feeling of impending danger. Suddenly spanreeds around the room began flashing and writing. Fen read over one of her scribes' shoulder that the Everstorm had just hit Shinovar, four days earlier than expected. Dalinar suggested, and the others agreed, that it was a good time to take a break from the meeting. Dalinar began to feel relieved that the looming disaster he had felt coming had not been so bad, but the Stormfather told him that the disaster had not come yet. Dalinar realized that there was more to the message they had all received and asked Navani and Jasnah what it was. They told him that there had been a breakthrough in translating the [[Dawnchant]] and they had been sent a translation of the [[Eila Stele]] which described the [[First Desolation]] from the perspective of the [[Dawnsingers]]. After Navani finished reading it Dalinar was confused by the way the writer described the Voidbringers as not having shells, and then he realized that the person writing the stele was not a human, but rather a parshman.
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
