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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Urteau''' was the capital city of the [[Northern Dominance]] in the [[Final Empire]].{{map ref|Urteau}} It was the ancestral home of [[House Venture]].{{book ref|mb2|3}}
Urteau lacked a city wall as the [[Lord Ruler]] forbad most cities from building fortifications.{{book ref|mb3|29}}
It was known for its "streetslots," dried up canals that served as streets.{{book ref|mb3|14}} It was the ancestral home of [[House Venture]].{{book ref|mb2|3}}
Among the most defining features of the city were the "streetslots", wide canals with ten-foot-high walls that had been drained of water a hundred years prior to the events of the Final Empire. It became commonplace for the inhabitants to use them as roads.{{book ref|mb3|14}} Most buildings were made of wood, rather than stone.{{book ref|mb3|29}}
During [[Straff Venture]]'s siege of Luthadel, [[skaa]] rebels revolted and took control of Urteau with [[Quellion]], also known as the Citizen, at their head.{{book ref|mb3|5}} Under his advisement, noblemen were hunted and exterminated. Skaa rebels burned down noblemen houses, painted over murals, shattered stained-glass windows, and dug up ornamental gardens. They believed Urteau was the only city that successfully achieved what [[Kelsier]] fought and died for, a skaa-ruled nation.{{book ref|mb3|14}}
After the fall of the [[Lord Ruler]], [[Quellion]], also known as the Citizen, seized power by invoking [[Kelsier]]'s authority as Lord of the Mists.{{book ref|mb3|14}}
[[Spook]] was sent by [[Elend]] and [[Vin]] to subtly investigate the new government of Urteau. Via steel-inscribed message, he informed the emperor of the skaa takeover and harsh treatment of noblemen. Unable to spare the troops to march on the city, Elend instructed [[Sazed]] and [[Breeze]] to travel to Urteau with a few hundred soldiers to subdue the rebellion and secure the northern cache.{{book ref|mb3|12}}
With the information acquired from the Lord Ruler's second cache in [[Statlin City]], [[Vin]] went to Urteau and was able to sneak into the [[storage cavern]] where she learned about [[electrum]].{{book ref|mb3|5}} Spook, Breeze, [[Allrianne]], and Sazed gained access to the cavern and discovered an underground reservoir containing pure, filtered water originating from a subterranean river. The Lord Ruler created this lake to provide clean water should a disaster force people to take shelter beneath the city.{{book ref|mb3|31}}
It was the location of one of the Lord Ruler's [[storage cavern]]s.{{book ref|mb3|14}}
Unlike the other cities in the [[Final Empire]], Urteau had a rich nightlife. This was because Quellion ruled by invoking Kelsier, who had said that the mists wouldn't hurt people and because Quellion himself preached that the mists were of Kelsier. Thus, not a lot could be done to prevent the nightlife.{{book ref|mb3|26}}
== Notable Residents ==
