Difference between revisions of "Unmade"

39 bytes added ,  4 years ago
more details for moloch/moelach
m (more details for moloch/moelach)
== Trivia ==
The names of all Unmade are derived from deities of ancient real-life pantheons, particularly those that appear in the Bible; however, the powers and characteristics of the Unmade do not neccessarily match those of their inspirations. Suspected associations are:{{url ref|url=https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/62476-ob-unmade-name-linguistic-origins/|text=Unmade Name Linguistic Origins|site=17th Shard}}
* [[wikipedia:Anat|Anat]], Semitic war goddess, for [[Sja-anat]].
* [[wikipedia:Resheph|Resheph]], Caanite plague deity, for [[Re-Shephir]].
* [[wikipedia:Nergal|Nergal]], Mesopotamian god of war and death, for [[Nergaoul]].
* [[wikipedia:Moloch|Moloch]], Caanite god of fire and chaos associated with child sacrifice, for [[Moelach]].
* [[wikipedia:Dagon|Dagon]], Caanite fisher god, for [[Dai-gonarthis]].
* [[wikipedia:Asherah|Asherah]], Sumerian sea goddess, for [[Ashertmarn]].
* [[wikipedia:Chemosh|Chemosh]], god of Moabites and Ammonites, for [[Chemoarish]].
== Notes ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
