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Ulim had a history with the [[Herald]] [[Nale]], although they were not friends. Ulim appeared to be somewhat fearful of Nale, to the point that he stopped talking when Nale told him to quiet.{{book ref|sa4|77}}
Ulim somehow managed to escape from [[Braize]] to [[Roshar]]. Over eight years prior to the [[Fused]] capture of [[Urithiru]], Ulim met Venli while she was trying to discover new forms for her people.{{book ref|sa4|57}} Venli received a gemstone from [[Axindweth]] which contained him. {{book ref|sa4|52}} He convinced her that they should work together to bring about the return of her people's gods.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}} The pair collaborated secretly to capture [[stormspren]] and make the discovery of [[stormform]]. Though Venli took credit for the research, Ulim was primarily responsible for the work performed.{{book ref|sa3|i|7}}
After the summoning of the Everstorm, Ulim revealed himself to the surviving listeners and became somewhat of a leader to them. He directed Venli and others to search in the chasms for Eshonai's body in order to claim her [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]] before pressing them to meet up with the Fused.{{book ref|sa3|i|3}} He instructed Venli, [[Demid]], and seven other listeners on how to prepare themselves to be taken by the souls of the Fused at the coming of an Everstorm.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}