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=== Serving Waxillium ===
When High Lord Waxillium Ladrian returned to [[Elendel]] from the [[Roughs]] to run his house, Tillaume also served as his butler,{{book ref|mb4|2}} although he remained loyal to Edwarn and followed Edwarn's orders.{{annotation ref|mb4|3}} Tillaume supported Wax as he attempted to slowly repair his reputation, which had been damaged by his initially rude and eccentric behavior.{{book ref|mb4|1}}{{book ref|mb4|2}} When Wax slipped off into the [[mist]]s during parties held by both [[Lord [[Stanton]] and Lady [[Aving Cett]], Tillaume drafted letters of apology to the hosts.{{book ref|mb4|1}} After Wax's behavior at [[House Cett]]'s party, Tillaume convinced Wax that he needed to stop trying to be a lawman and commit fully to his people and his house. Wax gave Tillaume his Sterrions, shotguns, and mistcoat to be put somewhere safe. Edwarn Ladrian ordered these items stolen, so Tillaume turned them over to Edwarn, who kept them in the foundry beneath the [[Ironspine Building]].{{book ref|mb4|15}}
Over the next several months, Tillaume spent his time patiently shepherding Wax away from his former Roughs behaviors and into the model lord that Tillaume wanted him to become.{{annotation ref|mb4|3}} He also hoped that this would keep Wax from drawing the attention or displeasure of Edwarn, who was prepared to have Wax assassinated if he began interfering with Edwarn's plans. Wax was well behaved, at least for the first few months,{{book ref|mb4|2}} and Tillaume believed he had successfully discouraged Wax's more rustic behaviors.{{annotation ref|mb4|3}} When Wax was preparing for his meeting with [[Harms|Lord Harms]] and his daughter Lady [[Steris]], Tillaume helped him get dressed.{{book ref|mb4|2}} He also served them refreshments and escorted the Harmses out of the building after the meeting.