Difference between revisions of "Template:Symbol"

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m (Aons, yay :D)
m (can someone fill out the O and S variants?)
<!-- Order of Knights Radiant
|1|windrunner|windrunners=Windrunners glyph.svg
|5|palah's order=Palah's order's glyph.svg
|8|kalak's order=Kalak's order's glyph.svg
This template returns the filename of a symbol {{t|symbol|symbol|type}} where Type is one of the following:
* M - [[allomancyAllomancy]]
* F - [[feruchemyFeruchemy]]
* H - [[hemalurgyHemalurgy]]
* A - [[aonAon]]
* S - [[surgeSurge]]
* E - [[Herald]]
* O - Order of [[Knights Radiant]]
{{cat|link macros}}