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He was Dalinar's highofficer on duty when a chasmfiend was detected crawling up on a plateau only two hours away. When Dalinar decided to march, Teleb was sent for [[Adolin]].
Teleb also suggested to Dalinar to think about using man-carried bridges to reach a contested plateau faster but not using them for the assault itself. Though Dalinar hesitated about this idea he told Teleb he may train one bridge crew for this purpose.{{ref|b|sa1|c|26}} Because the chull-drawn bridges would be needed for the assault furthermore Teleb tried to design a new kind of bridge but his first attempt failed and the bridge didn't holdstand the weight of the chulls.{{ref|b|sa1|c|28}}
When Dalinar returned after the [[Battle of the Tower]] he sent a message to Teleb that he should bring the entire camp to alert, preparing for anything though Dalinar hoped that it wouldn't be needed.{{ref|b|sa1|c|69}}