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== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Teft was born in [[Alethkar]] to a family that belonged to a cult known as the [[Envisagers]]. They believed if they could find a way to return the [[Voidbringer]]s, the [[Knights Radiant]] would return as well. Envisagers purposefully put their lives in danger in order to manifest [[Surgebinding]] powers. Teft's mother died in one of these attempts. Teft turned the Envisagers to the citylord, and a trial was held for them with all of them being executed, including Teft's father whom he watched being hanged.{{book ref|b|sa2|c|71}}
Eventually, Teft joined the army as a spearman. He became a sergeant, and made his way to the [[Shattered Plains]]. He was sent to the bridge crews as a punishment, and after camp infractions transferred to [[Bridge Four]].{{book ref|b|sa1|c|11}}
=== Bridge Four ===
Teft ended up in the bridge crews of [[Sadeas warcamp]] on the [[Shattered Plains]]. He blames himself for destroying the Envisagers.{{book ref|b|twok|c|38}} <!--- and the death of his brother, and considered suicide in the pits. ... I don't find anything in the book about this statement and think that this has been mixed up with Kaladin ---> After committing infraction he was transfer to [[Bridge Four]],{{book ref|b|twok|c|11}} where [[Kaladin]] befriended him and he ended up in his inner circle along with [[Rock]], actively helping him in his plans.
Teft was the first to suspect Kaladin might be able to use [[stormlight]], saving Kaladin's life in the process. He learned this by (amongst other things) pushing a dun [[spheres|sphere]] into Kaladin's hand, claiming it to be "For luck" just before Kaladin was to be left outside alone to face "the judgement of the [[Stormfather]]" by way of the [[highstorm]]. After the storm the sphere Kaladin had been given appeared to still be dun, even though it should have been infused with light by the highstorm it was left outside during, leading Teft to muse, "An empty sphere after a storm, he thought. And a man who's still alive when he should be dead. Two impossibilities." That meant Kaladin had "stolen" the light that infused the sphere, which left Teft almost certain that Kaladin had the ability to [[infuse]] stormlight and that Kaladin was part of the events the [[Envisagers]] had been waiting for. When Kaladin was recovering from his wounds and fever after the highstorm, Teft brought three small infused diamond spheres and pressed them into Kaladin's hand, waiting anxiously to see what would happen. When Teft had nearly lost hope of being right about the events and their meaning, Kaladin drew in a short powerful breath infusing himself with stormlight and began to glow from the leaking stormlight. Teft knowing there was a healing effect to the stormlight repeated this treatment enough as to not draw suspicion from the other bridgemen, and ten days after the hanging in the highstorm, Kaladin arose.
These revelations sparked a heavy curiosity in Teft, prompting questions that indirectly asked if Kaladin was willing to discuss his use of stormlight, or if he was aware of his own abilities. At one point, Kaladin was handed a bag of infused spheres, Teft then threw a surprise punch at Kaladin to cause a reflexive infusion, which worked, and led both Kaladin and [[Lopen]] to notice the soft glow coming from Kaladin's skin. Not to mention Kaladin realizing his familiar surge of strength and focus. After time passed and they were both certain of Kaladin's abilities. Teft with the aid of Lopen, (seeing as he had become privy to the secret) and to some degree [[Syl]], worked with Kaladin to help understand and trigger his new found powers. {{book ref|b|twok|c|38}} He shared with Kaladin what he knew about Radiants and their ways, from his youth in the Envisagers. He was also the one to tell Kaladin the words of [the first ideal]. Kaladin seemed to almost (whether by instinct or experience is not clear) understand the meaning and reasoning behind the words, and once spoke them just before infusing himself with stormlight. Later, after Kaladin spoke [the second ideal] and a thundercrack like sound was heard, Teft understood it to be something in the world changing.{{book ref|b|twok|c|43}}
During his many conversations with Kaladin he stated time and again he isn't to be trusted. Either due to the events that lead to the fall of the Envisagers, or some other unknown event.
Kaladin discovered Teft had military experience and was a sergeant before becoming a bridgeman. He became invaluable to Kaladin's leadership, by playing sargent to Kaladin's captain, for instance when asked, ordered, or during times Kaladin is indisposed, Teft assumed command of the bridgemen. His military experience was never divulged in great detail, as the history of bridgemen's personal lives seemed to be their most guarded secret. Kaladin and Teft were of the most avid practitioners of this concept. It was also a respected social contract, none prying more than a single question or two, into the past of their bridge mates.
Teft was currently joined with the rest of Bridge Four, serving as [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s personal guard.{{book ref|b|twok|c|73}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
He is long past his twenties. He has tan skin, drooping cheeks, brown eyes with an [[wikipedia:epicanthic fold|epicanthic fold]], and close-cropped, grizzled white-salted hair.{{book ref|b|twok|c|11}} He keeps a neat, short and square beard that is light brown, mixed with patches of gray.
== Notes ==