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(Add various facts, do some minor editing)
(Slight rewording and removing quotation marks as they're not necessary.)
== Behavior ==
Taynix are able to make fluting and trilling noises with their spines, often described as "fluting" or "trilling",{{book ref|skyward|12}}{{book ref|sky2|7}} using different tones, and cansometimes do so into different tones or with differentexpress emotionsemotion.{{book ref|sky2|3}}{{book ref|sky2|9}} They are capable of recreating a wide variety of sounds, as they often parrot words said to them, as well as other sounds like grunts, groans, and whistles.{{book ref|skyward|16}}{{book ref|skyward|22}}{{book ref|sky2|7}} They are of above animal intelligence,{{wob ref|12908}} and Doomslug occasionally corrects [[Spensa]]'s grammar.{{book ref|sky2|9}} Taynix can also give off a cytoniccytonically detectable "sound" that Jorgenis describessimilar as ato soft music. TheThis "sound", while only perceptible to cytonics, can be used to find out their location over long distances.{{book ref|sky2|epilogue}}
Taynix can move by crawling.{{book ref|skyward|12}} They can also teleport with their cytonic ability, though they never do so when being watched.{{book ref|skyward|15}}{{book ref|skyward|30}}{{book ref|sky2|33}} Taynix are able to handle heavy gravitational forces, responding by going rigid and hunkering down, though they do not seem to enjoy the experience.{{book ref|sky2|3}}
== Uses ==
Taynix have an innate [[cytonic]] ability to travel through the dimension of the [[delver]]s, and are used by the Superiority as hyperdrives that do not risk drawing the delvers into the universe.{{book ref|sky2|34}} To do so, a cage containing a taynix is inserted into a Superiority hyperdrive. During a hyperjump, the taynix produces a [[cytonic]] "scream," which distracts the delvers from the passing ship.{{book ref|sky2|20}} This scream is apparently only perceptible for beings with cytonic abilities.{{book ref|sky2|21}} Cytonics onboard can, intentionally or unintentionally, interfere with the ship's hyperjump process and cause a malfunction, which is usually resolved by replacing the taynix in use with a new one.{{book ref|sky2|24}}{{book ref|sky2|33}} Engineers can be reluctant to swap in a fresh taynix, though, because doing so leads to a lot of paperwork.{{book ref|sky2|31}}
== History ==
Prior to the rise of the Superiority, humans were likely aware of the cytonic powers of the taynix; Commander [[Spears]]' order to [[M-Bot]] to look for mushrooms was likely because he was trying to find a taynix to power his cytonic hyperdrive.{{book ref|sky2|34}}
In order to cover up the taynix's role in cytonic hyperdrives and maintain a monopoly over FTL travel across the galaxy, the Superiority claims the taynix are highly venomous invasive species.{{book ref|sky2|27}}{{book ref|sky2|34}} The Superiority also sends out teams to "exterminate" taynix that in reality are presumably collecting the taynix in order to power their hyperdrives.{{book ref|sky2|39}}
During her exploration of the Detritus caves, Spensa finds a taynix which she nicknames [[Doomslug]] and keeps as a pet.{{book ref|sky1|12}}