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| Taldain is one of the most bizarre planets in the cosmere, a fact that, in turn, feels bizarre to me.
| [[Khriss]]{{au ref|Taldain}}
=== Dayside ===
The '''Dayside''' has one roughly circular landmass, surrounded on all sides by ocean. People from Dayside are called '''Daysiders'''. There are six nations on the Dayside of Taldain; [[Kerzta]], [[Lossand]], [[Denka]], [[Seevis]], [[Nor'Tallon]] and [[Tallon]]. There is a mountain range on the eastern side of the landmass, which runs through Nor'Tallon and borders Seevis and Tallon. A mountain named [[KraeDa]] lies at the center of Dayside.{{book ref|ws1|5}} Most of the planets InvestureInvestiture is found on Dayside.{{wob ref|1509}} The sand on Dayside is all covered by lichen. This lichen is where the striking color of the sand comes from as well as its change in color.{{book ref|ws2|5}}
Much of Dayside is covered in sand and rock. Most of its flora and fauna live beneath the surface of the sand.{{au ref|Taldain}} Fauna such as [[sandling]]s and other sand animals inhabit the areas known as the deep sands. Some of these creatures such as Karaks are hunted for sport.{{book ref|ws2|3}} It is rare for these creatures to venture far from the deepsands.{{book ref|ws1|2}} Thousands of small sandlings tend to stick together in the Deep sands, when they move they agitate the sand causing people to mistake them for a larger creature causing them to retreat.{{book ref|ws2|3}} Sandlings go to the surface to feed by eating the top layer of sand, after digestion the sand loses its properties until it recharges in the sun.{{book ref|ws2|3}} This is similar to how sand has to recharge after being used for Sand Mastery. Delrak Naisha also are found in the deep sands. They are creatures that wait just beneath the sand, if the sand above them are disturbed they emerge and consume whatever creature is above it.{{book ref|ws2|3}}
The planet was placed in its current location purposefully.{{wob ref|3343}} It is unknown whether it existed before being put in its current location. Autonomy also settled in the star system as the sole Shard present.{{wob ref|4021}}{{wob ref|6880}} At some point, the planet was settled by humans. Due to how the genetics of the settlers played out, Daysiders ended up with pale skin.{{wob ref|1900}}
At some stage, an avatar of Autonomy began to be noticed by people from Dayside and became known as the [[Sand Lord]].{{wob ref|5876}} This being eventually became important to [[Ker’ReenKer'Reen Philosophy]], and the dominant object of worship for the people of [[Kerzta]]. Different religious belief was formed in the [[Diem]], an important part of the government of [[Lossand]]. This difference of faith led to frequent war between [[Lossand]] and Kerzta. Peace was eventually gained when the high priest government of Kerzta was replaced by a merchant nobility.{{book ref|ws1|2}}
After 200 years, there was a push again by the A’kar, the head priest of Ker’Reen Philosophy, to take control by diplomatic means. In an attempt to win favour with the public, they wiped out the Diem, their long-standing rivals, and claimed it was done to please the Sand Lord. {{book ref|ws1|2}} This failed, however, and the Diem managed to recover. As a result, support for the A’kar crumbled and they failed to take control of the Kerzta government.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
== Nations ==
=== Kerzta ===
[[Kerzta]] is a powerful nation in the western portion of the Dayside continent. Its people worship the [[Sand Lord]] and abide by the [[Ker'Reen Philosophy]]. It has a deep enmity with its neighbor, Lossand, due to its acceptance of [[Sand mastery]] although they have not been in direct conflict in centuries.
=== Lossand ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
