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==== Flora ====
The [[Dorim vine]] is a plant used as a water source on Dayside by its inhabitants, areas where they grow are not considered to be desert. The plant stores water primarily as a defensive measure against other creatures as its water dissolves the shells of many sand creatures. Because of this any creature attempting to eat the plant would find their mouths beginning to melt.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} As a result, the growth of Dorim vines limits how large sandlings can grow.{{book ref|ws2|3}}
The city of Kezare someis cultivated for farming and is more fertile than the low sand regions, as a result of this it has more varied flora.{{book ref|ws1|4}}{{wob ref|3963}} The Darkside quarter of the city also has flowers native to Darkside growing within it.{{book ref|ws1|5}}
There are multiple breeds of this type of creature. Some of them, such as Karaks, are hunted for sport.{{book ref|ws2|3}} Another breed consists of thousands of small sandlings which stick together in the Deep sands; when they move they agitate the sand above them causing them to be mistaken for a much larger creature forcing wanderers to retreat.{{book ref|ws2|3}} Delrak Naisha are another breed found in the deep sands. They are creatures that wait just beneath the sand; if the sand above them is disturbed, they emerge and consume whatever is above them.{{book ref|ws2|3}}
[[Tonk]]s are a type of domesticated animal on Dayside unrelated to Sandlings, they are primarily used as mounts.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} They are scared of water, however, and refuse to cross it, limiting where they can be taken to.{{book ref|ws1|4}} Travelling with Tonks is also frustrating because of their natural instinct to bury themselves underneath sand during a sandstorm and their tendency to mistake many things for sandstorms.{{book ref|ws1|4}}
=== Darkside ===
=== Dayside ===
Because the sun does not set on '''Dayside''' individuals living there have a variety of issues that needed to be resolved. In regards to keeping time an hour on Taldain is 100 minutes long.{{book ref|ws|1|review=yes}} Because of its stationary nature many Daysiders find it easy to navigate by using the sun as a reference point.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} Due to its ever present nature many Daysiders feel a spiritual bond with their sun, and some, such as the Kerztians, worship it.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} Most Daysiders are afraid of the dark as well being unused to it.{{book ref|ws3|4}}
On Dayside there is a large circular continent that can be found, on this landmass there are a variety of countries. The largest and most powerful nations is [[Kerzta]] which is located on the western portion of the Dayside continent. Its people worship the [[Sand Lord]] and abide by the [[Ker'Reen Philosophy]]. [[Lossand]] is a country that is immediately next to it and stretches in a wedge from [[KraeDa]] in the center of the continent to the southern coast around the [[Ry'Do Ali River]]. It is ruled by the Council of [[Taishin]], the heads of the eight Professions vital to their life and culture. Both of these nations have an enmity with one another due to Kerzta accepting Sand mastery, althought they have not been in direct conflict in centuries.
=== Darkside ===
On '''Darkside''' the most powerful and influential force in regards to culture, economics and politics is the [[Dynasty]]. This force is ruled by [[Skathan]].{{book ref|ws1|4}} Its dominance is so strong that the language Darksiders speak is called Dynastic after the country.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} It also is the most technologically advanced country in the planet with weapons such as guns and explosives being common creations within its borders.{{book ref|ws1|4}} They also had instant noodles, which Hoid enjoyed, and wants [[Scadrial]] to replicate.{{wob ref|8164}}{{wob ref|6161}} Despite its dominance some minor nations such as [[Elis]] and [[Iiaria]] resists the Dynasty's push to grow and expand its influence even further.{{book ref|ws3|2}} Despite this however the nations power runs deep within Darkside with them being able to send their agents to infiltrate different groups throughout the continent.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
The Kerztian word for Darksider is '''Lonsha'''.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}}
== Astronomy ==