Difference between revisions of "Taldain"

397 bytes added ,  2 years ago
Changed Realmatics section to Magic System section
(Merged Nation and culture sections together.)
(Changed Realmatics section to Magic System section)
'''Taldain''' is a planet in the [[cosmere]] located within the [[Taldain system]] and is the current residence of the [[Shard]] [[Autonomy]].{{wob ref|4021}}{{wob ref|6880}} and home world of [[Khriss]]. It is the workdworld upon which the story of ''[[White Sand]]'' is set.
== Geography and Ecology ==
== Astronomy ==
Taldain is tidally locked around two suns, this makes it unique among other planets in the Cosmere.{{au ref|Taldain}} It is located between the two suns in the system which orbit one another, because of a layer of dust around one of these suns one half of the world is trapped in endless sunlight and the other half in night.{{au ref|Taldain}} This placement was done purposefully by its creator.{{wob ref|3343}} An hour on Taldain is 100 minutes long.{{book ref|ws1|1}}
== RealmaticsMagic System ==
[[The world of Taldain has been settled by Autonomy]], and as a [[Shard]]result ofits [[Adonalsium]],investure residescan onbe Taldainfound throughout the planet, primarily in the atmosphere.{{wob ref|40215876}} primarilyAutonomy has allowed it to spread unusually making it in thetheory atmosphere.easy to access, a [[Returned]] for instance would have little difficulty living on Taldain{{wob ref|58764675}} Itand isone could also theoretically access the onlyworlds Shardinvesture inon another planet so long as they can see the star system.{{wob ref|68804770}} AutonomyFor hasa madetime Taldainthis was the only way to access its magic system as the world was shut inaccessibleoff from the [[Cognitive Realm]].{{wob ref|46755876}} However, atbut some pointeventually it became possible to entervisit Taldainthe world again.{{wob ref|6205}}
ContraryThe tomost beliefdramatic on-world,form bothof sidesinvesture ofthat can be found on the planet areis invested.{{auSand ref|Taldain}}Mastery Thewhich majorityis oflocated Autonomy'son InvestitureDayside, however,despite isits onflashy Dayside.{{wobappearance ref|1509}}it Investitureuses isvery abundantlittle enoughinvesture therehowever thatand aprimarily works through subtle manipulations with [[ReturnedConnection]] couldbetween livethe thereuser, easily.{{wobShard ref|4675}}and OneWhite couldSand. alsoIt theoreticallyis accessbelieved theby Investitureresidents of Taldain off-worldthat ifonly theyDayside canwas seeinvested by the sun.{{wobShard ref|4770}}however Thethis Daysideis ofincorrect Taldainand hasin accessfact toboth [[sandparts mastery]],of the mostworld dramaticare forminvested of magic onwith the planet.majority Despiteof this,it thefalling magicon uses little InvestitureDayside.{{au ref|taldainTaldain}} Darkside hasmagic itsprimarily ownfunctions formthrough oftattoos{{wob magic,ref|14993}} but theits effects are not nearly as noticeable.{{wob ref|1509}}{{wob ref|5876}} Darkside magic involves tattoos.{{wob ref|14993}}
== Notes ==
