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(Finished Sylvia's information)
|books=[[Legion: Skin Deep]]
'''Sylvia''' goes on a date with [[Stephen Leeds]] for a paparazzi journalist.{{book ref|skin deep|1}}{{book ref|skin deep|2}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
She wore a tight black dress and had multiple resplendent diamonds on the date. {{book ref|skin deep|1}} Stephen found her quite attractive though [[Ivy]] didn't feel the same way. She acts nervous around Stephen and delays eating the meal though she starts eating later into the date.
A mutual friend, Malcom, set Stephen and her up on a blind date where they went out for dinner. She begins to ask questions about Stephen and when Stephen talks to his [[aspect]]s Sylvia reveals she had read up on Stephen. Stephen then directed the conversation towards her and she told of her family until his aspects interrupt again.
When [[J.C.]] shows up and talks of an [[Zen Rigby|assassin]] Stephen explains who J.C. is and Sylvia leaves the table supposedly to use the restroom after only thirty minutes. {{book ref|skin deep|1}} She doesn't come back to the table. Later when Stephen goes out of the restaurant he sees her getting into a car with Glen, a reporter for the ''Mag''. {{book ref|skin deep|2}} She likely recorded the entire date. The aspects got mad at Stephen for not being more suspicious and developing a blind spot for women. {{book ref|skin deep|2}}
== Notes ==
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