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{{for|/Summary|a chapter-by-chapter summary}}
After FM participates in a major battle involving a delver, Jorgen returns to Platform Prime with several crates of taynix. FM, Jorgen, and Rig work to figure out the abilities of the taynix, and get them to do what the humans want them to. FM shows an skill for handling the taynix, and Jorgen succeeds in hyperjumping with the hyperslugs. Their actions alert the Superiority, who attempt to wipe out the humans through bombardment. They are stopped, largely through Rig and Engineering managing to get Detritus’ planetary shield up. Skyward Flight receives a distress call from Cuna, and hyperjump to Sunreach, a research facility located on a [[mammoth starpod]]. After a battle with Superiority ships and the starpod itself, Skyward Flight manages to rescue Cuna and several members of her staff. They escaped back to Detritus with the help of the taynix.
== Cover Gallery ==
{{for|/Covers|a cover gallery of Sunreach}}
== Notes ==
