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== Chapter 43 ==
[[Vivenna]] has been unconscious for a week. She wakes up in a room with [[Vasher]] with clean clothes on, still dizzy and Vasharhungry, talkbut aboutnot famished. Vasher scolds her for getting fooled by [[Denth]] and asks if she gave all of her [[Breath]] to him. She admits that it's planstored andin theher upcomingshawl. warShe betweenrecovers the HallandrenBreath and Idris.feels much Vasharbetter, experiencing a shock of pleasure that incapacitates her for a moment. Vasher makes Vivenna see how she was used by Denth to encourage the priests to start a war against her homeland of Idris.
Vivenna and Vasher go back to the Idrian slums. Vasher explains that Denth has been hired to start a war between Idris and Hallandren, and he doesn't know why or by whom. They enter the home where some Idrians are gathered. Vivenna displays the royal locks and begs them to not go to war, as Idris would surely lose. Vasher displays his lack of diplomacy and tact as he tries to convince them to avoid war. Eventually, the men promise to try to influence other Idrians against the war. Vivenna is still distraught over being fooled by Denth, and Vasher sympathetically explains that he's good at taking people in with his charisma. She agrees to continue to work with him.
*[[bws: warbreaker-chapter-forty-three|Chapter 43]]
