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This is a chapter-by-chapter summary for ''[[Warbreaker]]'' by [[Brandon Sanderson]]/
Vivenna awakes, having fallen asleep in Lemex's house.
Despite the fact they are no longer under Lemex's orders, Denth and Tonk Fah insist that their, as well as the third member of their group, [[Jewels]]' contract was paid halfway and that they have a few more weeks of work that they feel they owe to Vivenna.
Vivenna decides to give away the Breath she holds, one at a time to [[DrabsDrab]]s, but Denth informs her this is impossible, because Breath must be given away all at once or not at all.
Tonk Fah suggests she Awaken something to hold the Breath, but this disgusts Vivenna.
They ask her what her goal is staying in T'Tellir, and she tells them that she plans to untraceably rescue Siri from the palace, possibly staying in her place.