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== Chapter 49 ==
[[Vasher]] watches [[Vivenna]] practice [[Awakening]] through a window as he hangs from an Awakened rope. He marvels and how quickly she is learning and laments that she came to Hallandren, providing [[Denth]] with a very effective tool. He also thinks that Denth didn't really need her anyway, and that he shouldn't have stayed away for so long, but he couldn't come sooner. [[Nightblood]] likes Vivenna.
Vasher and Vivenna unravel one of Denth's plots by rescuing Nanrovah's daughter from thugs who were holding her captive since her kidnapping in Chapter 25.
Vasher comes in and reports that Denth's safe houses are abandoned. He suggests meeting with some more working-class Idrians, and Vivenna expresses her doubts that their efforts are doing any good compared to Denth's plots. Both are frustrated and discuss what they can do differently, and Vasher mentions a priest named [[Nanrovah]] that suddenly turned against his anti-war stance. This jogs Vivenna's memory: the priest's coach was involved in one of Denth's operations. Vasher leaves to try to figure out more.
While Vasher is away, Vivenna ponders her judgment of Vasher. He comes back and reveals that the robbery was a cover for the real target: the carriage. He puts on some other clothes and gives them various [[Command|Commands]], preparing for combat. He gives Vivenna a quick lesson in swordplay and invites her to come along. She arms herself with some awakened rope and says that it's better to lose [[Breath]] than to die. Vasher seems to agree with her. They walk to a small house and Vasher disables the guards. He then uses Awakened straw men to find a trap door in the back. They proceed into the basement and find the [[Misel|priest's daughter]] captive in a cage. Vasher is furious and engages the thieves with Nightblood (sheathed) while Vivenna frees the child. Vasher appears larger. His fury is such that he considers unsheathing Nightblood, but Vivenna distracts him by getting him to help get the girl. Oddly, the girl rushes into Vasher's arms; Vivenna couldn't get her to move.
Vasher and Vivenna walk to Nanrovah's house. Vivenna notices that the girl's BioChromatic aura flickers a bit. It appears that Vasher did something to her involving Breath. She appears to have completely forgotten the ordeal, worrying that her mother will be upset that she is dirty. They return her to a very grateful Nanrovah. Vasher is also able to quiet and make instant friends of the guard dogs. He tells Vivenna that she has redeemed herself by leading to the rescue of the girl.
*[[bws: warbreaker-chapter-forty-nine|Chapter 49]]
