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== Chapter 32 ==
* [[Sisirinah]] (point of view)
* [[Lightsong]]
* [[Hoid]]
* [[Susebron]] (mentioned only)
* [[Havarseth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vo]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vasher]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Siri wakes up and plans her next move while going about her morning ritual. She decides to send a message with one of the Pahn Kahl servants to Bluefingers, telling him she has vital information, which she wishes to trade. She then goes to meet Lightsong. The discussion briefly touches on the reasons for why people Return, and Siri theorizes that Lightsong could have been a diplomat or a salesman of some sort. Lightsong has a surprise for Siri - an elderly storyteller with a long white beard whom Lightsong introduces as [[Hoid]]. Siri asks the storyteller about the days before the division between Idris and Hallandren. Hoid proceeds to tell her about the First Returned, then moving on to the background of the Manywar, telling how it had been about BioCromatic Breath in addition to the Tears of Edgli, which was more commonly believed as the reason for the war. One of the Five Scholars discovered a means by which a Lifeless could be created from a single Breath. Further still, Kalad (one of the Scholars) was said to have created a more powerful type of Lifeless, which came to be known as Kalad's Phantoms. Hoid tells her that it's unclear as to why the royal family separated from Kalad, but that they had blood of the First Returned - being descended from the First Returned. Hoid tells of Peacegiver bequeathing his breath to the next God King after dispelling Kalad's Phantoms and ending the Manywar. The story ends with the revelation that each God King fathered a stillborn son who then Returned and took his place. Siri asks why the previous God Kings died. Hoid tells her that the God Kings only live as long as it takes them to produce an heir. Siri thanks Hoid, and asks him where he learnt his particular style of storytelling with the colorful dust, to which he replies that he learnt it in a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died. Lightsong comments that maybe they should be hoping for Susebron to pass on, because maybe then she could return home, and everyone would be either happy or dead. Siri excuses herself and leaves to avoid Lightsong seeing her crying.
== Chapter 33 ==
* [[Vivenna]] (point of view)
* [[Jewels]]
* [[Clod]]
* [[Denth]]
* [[Tonk Fah]]
* [[Parlin]]
* [[Vasher]]
* [[Susebron]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lemex]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sisirinah]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Jewels works to repair Clod. She accidentally slips, letting Vivenna hear Clod's security phrase. Denth talks to Vivenna about her near death experience, telling her she did well in that she didn't freeze. She asks him to teach her Awakening. Denth asks her if she's sure. Vivenna explains that now she really hates this kingdom, wanting them to hurt. Denth realizes, and Vivenna admits, that she hadn't come to Hallandren for her sister, but because when Siri had gone, she'd felt inadequate, and needed to to prove herself. Vivenna then asks about what Jewels is doing. Denth explains that Lifeless are not equal, that a Lifeless who was an experienced soldier before dying would retain some of their fighting ability when Awakened. Denth explains that to Awaken, she'll need to learn the Commands. He explains that the Commands need to also be formed in the mind first to direct the intent behind the Command. She thanks him for what he's told her, telling him he's a good man. He replies that he's not been a good man in some years. Jewels finishes up, and they return home.
== Chapter 34 ==
* [[Lightsong]] (point of view)
* [[Sisirinah]] (point of view)
* [[Nanrovah]]
* [[Blushweaver]]
* [[Havarseth]]
* [[Susebron]] (mentioned only)
* [[Stillmark]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hopefinder]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mercystar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Allmother]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hoid]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vivenna]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
; Lightsong
Lightsong feels slightly guilty as he watches the queen leave. He hadn't expected her reaction to his comment about the God King's death. He guesses that she is concerned about losing her status should the God King die. He returns to listening to the proceedings, with priests arguing for going to war. Blushweaver eventually comes over. She comments that soon they'll be voting for going to war. Lightsong asks if she's changed the Commands on Hopefinder's army, to which she nods. Blushweaver expresses annoyance at Allmother, who controls the final part quarter of the armies. Lightsong doesn't understand why the Goddess of matrons and families needs ten thousand Lifeless. He decides to go talk to Allmother about her codes, though Blushweaver reminds Lightsong that Allmother doesn't like him very much. To change the subject after Blushweaver notices Lightsong observing Siri, he asks her about the tunnels beneath the Court of Gods.
Siri watches the court proceedings, feeling a little like Lightsong - it was frustrating to listen when she didn't have a say in the court, but still wanted to know what was happening. As she listens, she hears the priests discuss an Idrian agent who has been stirring up trouble - purportedly a princess. Siri smiles, knowing neither of her sisters were the type to come and work as "Idrian agents". She couldn't imagine Vivenna having to become Susebron's bride. Her thoughts are interrupted by Blushweaver, who accuses Siri of spoiling Lightsong and pulling him into her schemes. Blushweaver tells her that Lightsong is one of the last good people in the court, and that if Siri taints him, Blushweaver will destroy Siri. As Blushweaver leaves, she calls Siri a slut. Embarrassed, Siri flees to the palace.
== Chapter 35 ==
* [[Vivenna]] (point of view)
* [[Vasher]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Parlin]]
* [[Tonk Fah]]
* [[Denth]]
* [[Jewels]]
* [[Clod]]
* [[Lemex]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Vivenna awakes sore and in a strange room. She realizes the figure from her room is there. She panics when he turns around. He warns her to behave, not having decided whether to kill her or not. He cuts the ropes tying her hands, and then reaches for his sword. As she scrabbles to get away from him, he point it at her, commanding her to be quiet. As she huddles in the corner, the man (who she knows has to be Vasher) undoes the clasp on the black sword. Vivenna feels nauseous as black smoke begins to curl up from the blade. He drops the sword on the floor in front of her, commanding her to pick it up. He repeats the command, before bellowing it again when starts to reach for it, thinking that maybe should could use it against Vasher before shying away. She grabs it, feeling a terrible sickness travel up her arm to her stomach, and hears a voice in her head asking her if she would like to kill someone. She drops the weapon, retching onto the floor, having pulled away her gag. Vasher grunts seemingly in surprise as he picks the weapon back up, and cleans up the mess she has made. He ties her back up in a second, smaller room, telling her not to run or else he'll find her and kill her, and that he has work to do, cleaning up the mess she had created. He then leaves.
== Chapter 36 ==
* [[Sisirinah]] (point of view)
* [[Susebron]]
* [[Vivenna]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
When Siri talks to Susebron about the God King successions, he tells her he wouldn't leave her. She notices he's getting more articulate in his writing. Though Siri wonders how he can be sure, he convinces her. She then brings up the question of how to deal with his priests. He doesn't respond, not yet agreeing with her assessment of his priests. He asks her if she would grow her hair. She asks what color to make it, to which he replies "Red". She tries to be flirtatious in her response, but then has to try and explain the concept. Susebron expresses his frustration of not being able to understand things that most people take for granted, having only had children's stories, with no interaction outside of his priests, and is worried that he'll never understand Siri. She responds by saying that he knows her better than most people back home, who just wanted her to be more like her sister, who was more reserved. Susebron can't understand that, saying Siri has so much color on the inside that it bursts out and colors her surroundings. The conversation lapses, and they sit for awhile, with Susebron hesitantly wrapping his arm around Siri. The moment is spoiled by Siri's stomach rumbling in response to having exhausted so much energy growing her hair. Susebron orders some food, and they both eat. Siri reckons they need to somehow expose the truth behind what the priests are doing to the world outside, though they can't come up with a good plan. Siri asks if Susebron would run away with her back to Idris if she could prove his priests are trying to kill him. He tells her that he would, but does not believe it will get to that point.
== Chapter 37 ==
* [[Vivenna]] (point of view)
* [[Parlin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Denth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lemex]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tonk Fah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jewels]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vasher]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
After fleeing from Denth and his companions Vivenna wanders through the Idrian Slums. She thinks about their betrayal and Parlin's death for which she feels guilty. At one point, a thief forces her to give up her fine dress and leggings. Only wearing her shift and with white hair she rubs herself mud and dirt to not stand out in the slums. She takes a dirty shawl from a pile of cloth on the street to wrap around her. But with her Breath she is visible to everyone with the [[Heightening|First Heightening]]. Thinking about this problem she gives her Breath to the shawl. She is now a drab and has to care for her shawl containing all of her Breath.
== Chapter 38 ==
* [[Lightsong]] (point of view)
* [[Llarimar]]
* [[Blushweaver]]
* [[Susebron]] (mentioned only)
* [[Allmother]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hopefinder]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mercystar]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Lightsong wakes early, having dreamed of a battle in which friend after friend was killed. He also dreamed of Blushweaver with her face flushed and the God King crying. He orders Llarimar to procure a number of urns, painted with each god's colors.
== Chapter 39 ==
* [[Vivenna]] (point of view)
* [[Denth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vasher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Parlin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tonk Fah]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Vivenna lives as a drab. She is on the run from Denth and his gang, as well as hiding from Vasher. She tries to beg, unsuccessfully, because she is made to move on by the City Guard. She sells her hair to buy food, but the food she buys doesn't even give her the strength to regrow it. She notices that her mind doesn't seem to be working right. After these indignities, she bemoans her fate to herself, acknowledging how helpless she is. Other than her shawl and her shift, she has lost everything; she has eaten rotting garbage from the gutters and would be willing to steal to live if she had the opportunity. She goes to find a place to sleep in the Idrian slums where she hangs out when she isn't trying to beg, eventually settling in for the night in her third-favorite alleyway. Her first and second favorites were occupied by a group of desperate men and the gang of urchins that beat her up and stole her last coin, respectively.
== Chapter 40 ==
* [[Sisirinah]] (point of view)
* [[Treledees]]
* [[Susebron]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vivenna]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vasher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Havarseth]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Siri dines in the court, trying various types of seafood, which she doesn't like. Treledees shows up, but she ignores him and makes him wait. After some insistent throat-clearing, Siri finally acknowledges him. He had summoned her, but she ignored the request, trying to assert some authority. They verbally spar, and she realizes that he has enough Breath to perceive slight color changes in her hair. He interrogates her about her "wifely duties." She reveals that she knows about Susebron's cut-off tongue, and Treledees explains that it was necessary to guard the treasure of Breaths that Peacegiver had left them. She requests that her serving girls be replaced by Pahn Kahl servants, hoping that that will help facilitate their escape, if necessary.
* [[Vivenna]] (point of view)
* [[Cads]]
* [[Vasher]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Denth]] (mentioned only)
