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This is a chapter-by-chapter summary for ''[[Warbreaker]]'' by [[Brandon Sanderson]]/.
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== Prologue ==
[[Vasher]] gets thrown in the [[God King]]'s dungeons for striking a priest in a bar.
He Awakens a figure he makes from the straw in his cell and Commands it to fetch keys.
*[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation/370/Warbreaker-Prologue-Part-3 Prologue Annotation: Part 3]
== Chapter 1 ==
[[Siri]], the youngest princess of [[Idris]], considers her rather unimportant position in the Idrian royal family.
She walks in from the countryside to [[Bevalis]], the Idrian capital.
*[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation/372/Warbreaker-Chapter-One-Part-2 Chapter 1 Annotation: Part 2]
== Chapter 2 ==
Siri sits in the carriage taking her to Hallandren, terrified and confused at the last minute switch that means that she must wed the God King.
*[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation/374/Warbreaker-Chapter-Two-Part-2 Chapter 2 Annotation: Part 2]
== Chapter 3 ==
[[Lightsong]], one of the [[Returned]] in the Court of Gods in Hallandren, considers the fact that he cannot remember his life and heroic death before being Returned and rolls out of bed.
He is surrounded by servants, who as always attend to his every need.
Then he judges the poetic and artistic offerings to him, when he is informed of the arrival of the God King's new wife.
== Chapter 4 ==
Siri arrives in [[T'Telir]], the capital of Hallandren.
She is greeted by a field of forty thousand Lifeless soldiers, and is overwhelmed by the huge, colorful, tropical city so different from her humble mountain town.
Siri is told that there will be no wedding cermony, and is brought to the God King's dark, pyramidal castle.
== Chapter 5 ==
Vasher stands atop the wall surrounding the Court of Gods and realizes that the fact that the Idrians actually sent Siri complicates his plans.
He meets clandestinely with a priest, [[Bebid]], from the Court of Gods in a restaurant.
He discusses her possible effects on Court politics with Llarimar, and insists that he have more wine, although as a god he is immune to drunkenness.
== Chapter 6 ==
==Chapter 6==
Siri is led by servants into the palace.
They take her to a bathing chamber, where they scrub her clean.
Bluefingers leads her to the God King's sleeping chamber, where she enters with utmost trepidation.
== Chapter 7 ==
Remembering Bluefingers' instructions and warnings, Siri removes her dress and underthings and bows naked before the God King's bed.
She waits for him to call for her, not daring to make a noise and wondering if he judges her inadequate or not beautiful enough.
== Chapter 8 ==
Siri bathes in the relief of having survived the night untouched and unexecuted.
She climbs into the unoccupied bed and goes to sleep.
Siri sets off to explore the palace.
== Chapter 9 ==
Vivenna arrives in T'Tellir.
[[Parlin]], her friend, goes ahead to scout the area.
Instead of the Idrian spy, [[Lemex]], that she had planned to meet with, two mercenaries, [[Denth]] and [[Tonk Fah]] arrive and after a bit of joking, announce that they are there to kill her.
== Chapter 10 ==
The two mercenaries burst out laughing, and tell Vivenna they are joking.
They inform Vivenna that Lemex is ill with fevers, and give her a letter written in his hand.
Lemex gives his Breath to her, and she is amazed at the new life and color awareness it gives her.
== Chapter 11 ==
Siri begs Treledees to let her leave the palace after the days she has spent trapped inside.
He is deeply offended, because her period of isolation is the least she can do to honor the God King.
She crawls into bed, relieved and unpunished.
== Chapter 12 ==
Lightsong hears petitions, struggling with the dreams he has been having of T'Tellir burning and his own doubts about his usefulness and the [[Iridescent Tones]] religion.
A woman presents her dying infant to Lightsong, begging him to heal the child.
She does not know why she is still unpunished for being rude to the God King, but recognizes that she needs to stop being afraid and start directing her life again.
== Chapter 13 ==
Vivenna awakes, having fallen asleep in Lemex's house.
Despite the fact they are no longer under Lemex's orders, Denth and Tonk Fah insist that their, as well as the third member of their group, [[Jewels]]' contract was paid halfway and that they have a few more weeks of work that they feel they owe to Vivenna.
Getting into the festivities, Siri decides to try on many gowns and enjoy the ostentatious ornamentation in her hair.
== Chapter 14 ==
The light rain falling on the proceedings in the Court of Gods causes Lightsong to banter with Llarimar and Blushweaver about the limits of Returned godly powers.
He claims he wants it to be sunny, so the weather should reflect that.
Suddenly, everyone bows and her white serving bowl throws out prisms of color, marking his arrival behind her.
== Chapter 15 ==
Siri is awed by the appearance of the God King, who is more youthful looking than she knew, and also splits white light into the color spectrum by his mere presence.
She panics, and turns to leave, but Parlin stops her, telling her that she might want to stay because the gods' priests are debating going to war with Idris.
== Chapter 16 ==
Arguments for and against going to war against Idris are heard in the Court of Gods. Blushweaver’s priest, [[Inhanna]] argues for war, and [[Nanrovah]], [[Stillmark]]’s high priest, argues against. Lightsong feels uncomfortable, because he has been having dreams of destruction he subconsciously fears will come true with war. Blushweaver asks for Lightsong’s Commands so she can control his part of the [[Lifeless]] army. He dodges her request, and they begin discussing the cleverness of the Idrians sending the wrong princess as a random element into court. Blushweaver worries that she has been sent to influence the God King in favor of Idris.
Siri asks her servant what the Court is arguing about. The servant sends for Treledees, who tells her they are arguing whether or not to go to war with Idris, which they consider a rebel province. Siri contains her objections to this stance, and Treledees says that she could help stabilize the Hallandren kingdom and forestall war if she were to provide an heir as quickly as possible. Siri flushes and says that she is working on it, but Treledees disagrees, hinting that there are spies within the palace who know what is really going on. Siri becomes even more embarrassed at the thought of people watching or listening in on her and the God King.
Lightsong approaches Siri, thinking because of Blushweaver’s reasoning, that she is a dangerous element that the Idrians cleverly introduced to the Court. Siri is awkward speaking to a god, disconcerted by his levity, and Lightsong gradually realizes that her naivete is not an act. He feels sorry for her, knowing that she has been thrown into the thick of Court politics, and tells her to not let other people get to her and leaves.
== Chapter 17 ==
Vivenna returns to Lemex’s house, which the mercenaries have ransacked thoroughly. Denth and Tonk Fah show her Lemex’s secret stash of five thousand gold marks and his personal papers, many of which are communications with King Dedelin. Through the letters, Vivenna learns that her father gave Lemex enough money to buy breath to enter the Court, and that Dedelin felt that war with Hallandren was inevitable and that not sending Vivenna was purely a matter of favoritism. Feeling betrayed, but even more determined to rescue Siri seeing that her father thought of her as good as dead, Vivenna resolves to hire the mercenaries, proved trustworthy because they did not run off with Lemex’s fortune when they had the chance. She believes she must continue Lemex’s work in undermining the Hallandrens’ ability to wage war.
== Chapter 18 ==
Siri waits nervously outside of the bedchamber door with Bluefingers. She asks him about those spying on her in the bedchamber, and he indicates that they listen, but don’t watch. She resolves to take a stand, thinking that the God King is simply insolent and lazy. She doesn’t strip off her shift, but instead sits on the bed and fakes the noises of sex the best she can. Before she falls asleep, she thinks she sees confusion on the God King’s face but dismisses that as silly. She falls asleep peacefully.
Lightsong refuses to get out of bed. Llarimar comes in, dismissing the servants so he can have a candid discussion with Lightsong. Lightsong tells him that he fears to take any kind of political action, fearing that Blushweaver’s push for war is a path of destruction, based on his nightmares. He is afraid that in her haste for war, Blushweaver will crush the young queen. Llarimar tells him that his inaction would equate to action, and then lets slip that he knew Lightsong before he Returned. This tidbit invigorates Lightsong, who begins asking questions about his past life to no avail. Llarimar is then successful at making him get out of bed.
== Chapter 19 ==
Having relocated to a nondescript house in the rich part of town, Vivenna discusses working with Vahr’s associate revolutionaries to sabotage the war. Denth justifies working with crime lords and sabotaging the supply lines of food by explaining that these are the only people still loyal to Vahr’s cause and that war is inevitable, so all tactics must be used.
[[Clod]], the group’s Lifeless, enters with Jewels. Vivenna is disgusted by the Lifeless abomination, but Denth justifies him by saying that all necessary means must be used to save Idris and that if she doesn’t allow Clod, then she will have to find a new group of mercenaries. Jewels informs her partners that Vasher is in the city. Vivenna figures out they are talking about the unkempt man with the mysterious sword that watched her in the Court of Gods and tell them. This makes them very worried, as they say that Vasher wants to kill her in addition to his grudge against them and must know who she is by now.
== Chapter 20 ==
Siri again awaits outside the God King’s chamber door. Bluefingers says that he is worried, because creating a child with the God King would be the worst possible thing Siri could do. He hints at different factions in the palace, and that she is in grave danger. Confused, but knowing full well that she is in no danger of becoming pregnant, Siri enters the God King’s chamber. As she drifts off to sleep after her moaning routine to fool the listening priests, Siri is startled by the God King, Susebron, looming over her. She shrieks but apologizes to a startled Susebron. He tentatively shows her a children’s storybook and wants her to read to him. She is confused, but after he opens his mouth, she realizes that his tongue has been cut out so he can’t use any of his Breath and that this makes him a mere figurehead. She begins to use the book to teach him to read.
== Chapter 21 ==
Vasher climbs from the God King’s palace, using his Awakened clothes to enhance his strength, into the Court. He pretends to be insane and seeking the blessing of the goddess [[Mercystar]]. He uses his Awakened clothing to strangle and knock out the guards and sneaks into her palace. He stumbles into a group of servants, and uses rope to subdue them. He then Awakens a Lifeless squirrel, commanding it to make a ruckus in the palace. He uses the distraction to find the trapdoor entrance to the tunnels leading from the palace and climbs in.
== Chapter 22 ==
Lightsong plays an impossibly hard game, Tarachin, with the gods Weatherlove, Truthcall, and Lifeblesser. Despite not knowing the rules, Lightsong wins handily. While playing, they discuss politics. The gods, except for Lightsong, plot about going to war with Idris and using the new queen in their political games. Lightsong, knowing she is naive, worries for her but tries to tell himself there is nothing he can do. However, his dreams of war and destruction haunt him, and he sets off to see Blushweaver in hopes of helping the queen and preventing the war.
Vivenna eats in a restaurant with Denth, Tonk Fah, and their contact, [[Fob]]. They convince Fob, a landowner, to harvest his crop early by proving to him that Vivenna is an Idrian princess with her royal color-changing hair. They leave to meet with Grable, a crime lord who attempts to kidnap her. Denth kills two of Grable’s guards almost inhumanly fast and they leave. In an alleyway, a random Idrian, Thame, approaches Vivenna, asking her if she has come to help the oppressed Idrians in Hallandren. She tells him yes, but the mercenaries whisk him away because they think he is a plant from Grable. Later, they meet in a safe location, and they determine after some knuckle-cracking and tough talk on the mercenaries’ part, some kind words on Vivenna’s part, and some investigations on Jewels’ part that he is what he says he is. This gives Vivenna the idea of meeting with the common Idrians in the city. The mercenaries say it is dangerous, but she insists.
== Chapter 23 ==
Lightsong approaches Blushweaver, who is being entertained by portable garden arrangements. Through a letter she hands him, he informs her that he is ready to join her political scheming. Blushweaver tells Lightsong that Mercystar’s palace had been broken into the night before and the two go to meet with her.
Mercystar, in a state of flaky distraughtness, is comforted by Blushweaver, who is trying to worm Mercystar’s Lifeless army commands out of her. When Lightsong hears that a servant was killed in addition to those knocked unconscious in the break-in, he becomes intensely curious about solving the mystery. He abandons Blushweaver to go interrogate the servants. He notes a patch of grey wall and determines that if the intruder was not an Idrian as Mercystar said. Although according to oath, they cannot lie to a god, Lightsong senses that the servants are lying about the details they are giving him, which makes him even more curious about the case.
== Chapter 24 ==
Siri walks into the palace library to get a history book to enlighten herself on the God King’s succession history. The scribes tell her that she may not take any books out of the room, foiling her plan. Later that night, Siri and the Susebron talk, communicating through writing . Siri teaches him of sarcasm, and he uses it jokingly. Susebron asks of an heir, and Siri realizes he knows nothing of the process of making one. They then discuss whether or not the God King continues living after an heir is produced, because the histories are all unknown to Siri or jumbled, and she is worried about Bluefingers’ cryptic warnings.
== Chapter 25 ==
Vivenna walks through the streets of T’Tellir. She tries to spot the mercenaries in the crowd, and sees their first distraction, a building on fire. Then Clod, the mercenaries’ Lifeless, clubs high priest Nanrovah’s horse to halt his carriage, making the second distraction: his gold coins spilling onto the street. Vivenna and Jewels return to the house, waiting for the mercenaries. Jewels is irritable, and Vivenna tries to comfort her for being a Drab. Jewels responds vehemently that she believes that giving her Breath to the God King was the right thing to do. Denth and Tonk Fah return, and tell her that their theft of most of T’Tellir’s salt to sabotage the war succeeded. Vivenna asks Denth about his beliefs and origins, causing Denth to dodge her questions and then storm away.
== Chapter 26 ==
Lifesong awakes a full hour earlier than usual, chipper and ready to go and investigate. He refuses to stop and record his dreams, but instead goes to look at the art offerings. One abstract, red painting makes Lightsong see a battle scene with a sea of fighting Lifeless and people with a woman holding up a terrible, dark sword. He tells Llarimar, who is worried by his prophetic vision in the painting. Lightsong tells Llarimar his dream of a storming sea and a red panther. They arrive at Mercystar’s palace, finding her out visiting Allmother. Through questioning all witnesses separately, Lightsong determines that there were two intruders, one that took care not to kill, and one that swiftly killed the only witness of his passing. Lightsong sees a trapdoor, and guesses that both intruders left through there. He has a priest fetch the Lifeless squirrel used as a distraction during the break-in, and tells his priests to break its Command. His feelings of curiosity about the crime worry him, so he questions Llarimar about his past life, who does not tell him anything.
== Chapter 27 ==
== Chapter 28 ==
== Chapter 29 ==
== Chapter 30 ==
== Chapter 31 ==
== Chapter 32 ==
== Chapter 33 ==
== Chapter 34 ==
== Chapter 35 ==
== Chapter 36 ==
== Chapter 37 ==
== Chapter 38 ==
== Chapter 39 ==
== Chapter 40 ==
== Chapter 41 ==
== Chapter 42 ==
== Chapter 43 ==
== Chapter 44 ==
== Chapter 45 ==
== Chapter 46 ==
== Chapter 47 ==
== Chapter 48 ==
== Chapter 49 ==
== Chapter 50 ==
== Chapter 51 ==
== Chapter 52 ==
== Chapter 53 ==
== Chapter 54 ==
== Chapter 55 ==
== Chapter 56 ==
== Chapter 57 ==
== Chapter 58 ==
== Epilogue ==
== Ars Arcanum ==
==Chapter 26Notes ==
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Lifesong awakes a full hour earlier than usual, chipper and ready to go and investigate. He refuses to stop and record his dreams, but instead goes to look at the art offerings. One abstract, red painting makes Lightsong see a battle scene with a sea of fighting Lifeless and people with a woman holding up a terrible, dark sword. He tells Llarimar, who is worried by his prophetic vision in the painting. Lightsong tells Llarimar his dream of a storming sea and a red panther. They arrive at Mercystar’s palace, finding her out visiting Allmother. Through questioning all witnesses separately, Lightsong determines that there were two intruders, one that took care not to kill, and one that swiftly killed the only witness of his passing. Lightsong sees a trapdoor, and guesses that both intruders left through there. He has a priest fetch the Lifeless squirrel used as a distraction during the break-in, and tells his priests to break its Command. His feelings of curiosity about the crime worry him, so he questions Llarimar about his past life, who does not tell him anything.