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=== Chapter 26 ===
Spensa and Nedd continue to tail the six Krell fighters and the members of Nightstorm Flight, unable to contact them, as cadet radios aren't connected to full DDF radios for fear of interfering. The two cadets continue flying through the falling shipyard at Mag-1.2, and M-Bot resumes contact with Spensa after having taken a more accurate, updated battle projection. He informs Spensa that the Krell are laying explosives on the shipyard and shooting some of the acclivity rings on the bottom to make the shipyard fall faster. Spensa reaches Nedd on radio, and breaks the truth to him that they can no longer help the members of Nightstorm, as they aren't yet skilled enough and the shipyard is going to hit the ground in a matter of minutes. He calls her a coward, and M-Bot directs Spensa on which turns to take to escape the shipyard as quickly as possible. They find an opening, and fly away at Mag-10.5 to escape the blast wave of the falling shipyard. When Spensa and Nedd return to the flight and later the launchpad, Jorgen angrily asks her why she led Nedd into the shipyard, to which she finally responds that Nedd made the first move, following two members of Nightstorm Flight, and that she had followed him to act as his wingmate. Jorgen balks, and then leads her over to where Nightstorm Flight has left their Sigo-class starfighters. Nedd is there on one knee in front of where two starships should have been. Jorgen explains to Spensa that the two empty spaces should have been filled by Nedd's two brothers, wingmates Nightstorm Six and Seven.
=== Chapter 27 ===
Skyward Flight continues practicing chase exercises, without Nedd. M-Bot tells Spensa he could've hacked into Nedd's brothers' radio to help them escape the shipyard, which would have required Spensa to explain to the DDF why she could suddenly hack their private communication network. Spensa is shot down by a Krell fighter in their exercise, and exits her mockpit to take a break. Arturo and Cobb continue their argument about what the Krell's true intention in destroying sinking debris is, when Spensa finally asks Cobb what the Krell are. He shares some confidential pictures of Krell extracted from their fighters with the flight and that the human archive was destroyed in LD-zero, so they really don't know much about the Krell. He further explains that the Krell can't destroy the junk before it leaves the atmosphere because of the archaic defense system the planet has: a broken down metal she'll with countless AI-managed turrets that would destroy the Krell if they went anywhere near the space junk. Cobb then explains the best theory the DDF has as to what the Krell are is AI, which prompts Spensa to ask M-Bot if he is a Krell AI after the class is dismissed. M-Bot tells Spensa he is not, and Cobb informs her that Nedd has been removed from the flight school roll permanently. Whilst leaving the flight school, Kimmalyn discreetly pulls Spensa into another hallway, then to a bathroom, where they wait for two members of Stardragon Flight to leave. From there, they head to the Skyward girls' dorm, where the rest of the girls wait with food stolen from the mess hall for Spensa.
=== Chapter 28 ===
The girls hang out in the dorm, making conversation and eating soup and bread, until Hurl enters the room, holding a slice of chocolate cake for each of the girls. FM informs Spensa that they have a pool and organized sports at the flight school, which Spensa wishes she could participate in. The girls then show Spensa the flight maneuvers they've come up with, and Spensa admits that sometimes she gets scared. Kimmalyn admits that not all of the quotations of the Saint she gives are actually from the Saint. After a few hours of talking, Kimmalyn and FM go to the bathroom, and Hurl tells Spensa that she's sorry that she compared Spensa to her father, and the two make a pact to be brave and to never back down.
=== Chapter 29 ===
Spensa wakes up before the girls and leaves to cleanse herself. She passes by the classroom, and sees the lights on, at 0530 no less. She peeks in, and sees Jorgen replaying the fight where Bim and Morningtide had died. She leaves the flight school, fearing that the MPs will report to Admiral Ironsides that she never left the flight school. Spensa turns on her radio, and M-Bot tells her he doesn't know whether or not he's a Krell, but Spensa doesn't believe he is anymore. Spensa then reenters the flight school, and an MP stops her and brings her to Admiral Ironsides. Ironsides tells Spensa she knows that Spensa has a hidey-hole at the flight school and that she's been stealing food from the mess hall, and Spensa tells her she has to protect the other girls. Ironsides tells her to quit, and that the cadet's pin will get her a lucrative job down below, and Spensa realizes the Ironsides can't simply kick her out of the flight school, she needs to prove that she was right to not want Spensa in the flight school, that she's dangerous and not suited for flight. She calls Spensa a coward, but Spensa holds a salute and walks away from Ironsides knowing that she has more power than the head of the entire Defiant Defense Force in this matter.
== Part Four ==
=== Interlude I-2 ===
=== Chapter 30 ===
Spensa and Rig are back in the cave, working on M-Bot, applying sealant to the wing and placing metal sheets on it to patch where the broken metal had been. Rig then asks Spensa to consider what she would do if her father actually had been a coward, if he had had a moment of weakness, just like all humans, and that the DDF just made a big deal out of it so they could train their pilots to be brave. Rig then reveals that he thinks FM is cute, and then tells Spensa that M-Bot is ready to fly. Spensa gets in the cockpit and fires M-Bot up. His boosters are non-functional, and his cytonic hyperdrive is still missing, but his acclivity rings are still in order. Spensa light-lances part of the ceiling to cave in, and then rises into the air with M-Bot for the first time. While climbing to 100,000 feet, M-Bot informs Spensa that his GravCaps are capable of belaying 60% of g-forces, far more than standard DDF starfighters are capable of. They climb further to 500,000 feet, halfway to the rubble belt, where Spensa stops to admire the sheer scale of the planet and how small and meaningless humans are in the grand scheme of the planet. Whilst peacefully hovering at 500,000 feet, Spensa swears she can hear the stars in the back of her mind, calling for her to come to them. She dismisses this notion, as if she went much higher, the defense system within the rubble belt would begin targeting her. Spensa begins trying to convince M-Bot that he is capable of combat with the Krell during the descent, but he puts down her argument by stating that he is unable to disobey his orders to lie low. M-Bot puts his hologram of the cave ceiling back on to hide from the DDF, and Spensa reclines in the cockpit seat to fall asleep, when she begins to hear a dull hum in the back of her mind, a hum she attributes to M-Bot, leading her to believe that he is more alive than she had previously thought.
=== Chapter 31 ===
Skyward Flight are back practicing dogfighting maneuvers in their mockpits, and Hurl explains to Spensa her previous occupation as a Digball League player. Spensa tells her she was a rat hunter in her own personal maze of caverns. Spensa and Hurl start working better as a team, with Spensa flying in close to the Krell to activate her IMP and Hurl hanging back to pick off the Krell once its shield goes down. At 1600, Cobb cuts the dogfighting exercise short and makes a holographic Krell bomber carrying a lifebuster and begins teaching the tactics and practices of scouting out and reporting lifebusters, having the flight perform hour-long exercises with six decoy lifebusters and one real one, as well as entire exercises without a single lifebuster. They do these exercises for hours, until all of the flight members are exhausted and dismissed to return to their dorms, but not before Arturo asks if the last battle simulation they underwent was the Battle of Trajerto. Cobb says that it was, with modifications. This gets Spensa thinking that the DDF may have a true Battle of Alta file hidden away that proves her father wasn't a coward. While trudging back to her cave, Spensa gets a transmission over the radio for all pilots -including cadets - to report to base for possible deployment. A force of 75 Krell fighters have breached the debris field, three quarters of their maximum flight capacity. Spensa begins the long jog back to the launchpad.
=== Chapter 32 ===
Spensa makes it to the DDF compound, sweaty and out of breath. She goes to her ship, only to find another pilot climbing into her Poco. She manages to convince the pilot, Vigor, and the ground crew to let her fly instead. Dorgo, one of the ground crew, gives Spensa her helmet and tells her where the coordinates to her flight is. Spensa takes off and contacts Jorgen, who tells her that he's glad to see that she made it, and that they are holding position near some AA guns. Ten minutes later, Spensa arrives and takes up wingmate position besides Hurl. The two talk about killing Krell, and start inching out of line before Jorgen orders them back into position. The cadets start talking about the nearby battle, and Cobb tells them that they are merely holding position and should just wait until some reserve pilots get there to take over. Hurl expresses irritation at not being able to fight, and Jorgen tells her that they need to follow orders and not argue with their commanders. After waiting for a while, Cobb radios in again, telling them that the scouts spotted a squadron of eight Krell ships trying to sneak past the main battle, and that they need to engage and find out if there's a bomber. Two scouts, Cloak and Underscore, call in and tell Jorgen that they are joining their flight for the battle. Spensa flies with Hurl after a Krell ship. She focuses on targeting the Krell interceptor, almost feeling like she can anticipate its movements, her helmet sensors growing warm. Her concentration is broken by Kimmalyn asking for help. Spensa, Hurl, and FM break off to help her deal with the three tails she has. Spensa and Hurl then shoot down a stray Krell ship using the IMPing maneuver Cobb taught them. Spensa takes a quick survey of the fight, and realizes that Kimmalyn is being chased by three ships again, and is in trouble. Spensa asks everyone to make a V-formation with her at the point, explaining that the Krell tend to target flightleaders when possible. The maneuver saves Kimmalyn, but Spensa ends up with four tails, and her ship takes heavy destructor fire with her shield going down. The AA gunners and Arturo take down most of the Krell after Spensa, relieving her. Spensa sees Hurl being chased by three Krell, and pulls into a risky steep dive to get closer, and IMPs the Krell. The chaotic battle continues with Hurl managing to shoot the ship she was targeting, but her shield down. Spensa, too far away to help after reigniting her shield, tells Kimmalyn to shoot the ships chasing after Hurl. Kimmalyn tries to hit the ships, but misses, and Hurl's unshielded ship gets hit by the Krell, with one of the wings getting destroyed and the acclivity ring giving out. Spensa tells Hurl to eject, but Hurl refuses, declaring that she is not a coward and is brave to the end. Hurl's ship crashes on the ground, with Spensa staring at it in shock. Jorgen orders Skyward Flight to pull out, and then pulls up besides Spensa, who is starting to cry, when she doesn't respond. Spensa replies that she hears him, and pulls out with the rest of the cadets. Spensa notes that Arturo's ship is badly damaged. Watching the other pilots in the battle, Spensa realizes she needs a lot more practice to be ready. As the cadets head back to base, Spensa's hands are shaking, which she sees as a sign of cowardice.