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=== Chapter 9 ===
Spensa and Cobb return to the classroom, and Mongrel begins explaining the various features of the training cockpits, or mockpits. Each of the mockpits is equipped with a large holographic projector to simulate flight, as real starfighters are too expensive to waste on inexperienced cadets. The mockpits do not simulate g-forces, so the cadets will have to spend time in the centrifuge to imitate that. Cobb begins to inform the students they will be able to pick their own callsigns when Rig bursts into the room and explains that Elevator 103-D was broken for two hours, to which a voice on the intercom confirms to Cobb. Cobb lets Spensa enter a mockpit, and he goes around the circle turning on each of the cadets' holographic projectors. The projectors produce an extremely accurate depiction of the launchpad outside of the Flight School, with all ten mockpits having holographic fighters appear to each of the other cadets on the video feed. Cobb begins to tell the cadets that they'll practice takeoffs, when he is interrupted by Jorgen, who explains he can lead the flight in this endeavor. Jorgen explains that to change altitude, the best tool to use is the highly valuable acclivity ring, as well as the uses of the control sphere in banking right or left. Each of the cadets take off, and only Jorgen, Nedd, Arturo, and Freyja don't crash. The flight proceed to practice gaining and losing altitude for three hours. Cobb instructs Jorgen to conduct a roll call at their selected height of 500 feet. An argument ensues over whether or not it is acceptable to eject from a starfighter, an argument Cobb ends by informing the cadets that a life is just as valuable as an acclivity ring. Spensa dubs the flight Skyward Flight, and the roll call begins. Nedd identifies his callsign as Nedder, Hudiya as Hurl, Rig as Rigmarole, Arturo as Amphisbaena, Kimmalyn decides to pickbe one laterQuick, Morningtide keeps her name as her callsign, Freyja decides to be known as FM, Spensa chooses the callsign Spin, and she also dubs Jorgen "Jerkface." An alarm goes off in the Flight School, and Ironsides asks Cobb to send his flight to the launchpad, as Nightmare Flight is down in the caverns for rest and relaxation.
=== Chapter 10 ===
