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(The information about the name of the shipyard may seem a bit too specific for a summary, however, I wanted it to be easy for someone to Ctrl + f to find information in the future if it becomes necessary to make an article about shipyards.)
=== Chapter 5 ===
Spensa rushes into the testing room, getting in just before time is up. A woman in an admiral's uniform frowns at her, and everyone in the testing room is staring as well. Spensa makes her way to the single available desk, which unfortunately happens to be right in front of the woman, who she recognizes as Judy "Ironsides" Ivans herself. Spensa tries not to show her pain and embarrassment as she walks. She hears Rig express relief at seeing her, and she winks at him before going back to suppressing her pain. Ironsides starts speaking about how everyone is worthy in different ways and that she is proud of them all for coming. Seeing how aloof she seems, Spensa hopes that she won't be discriminated against. Then, she sees a short man in glasses pointing her out to the admiral, who frowns at her, and Mrs. Vmeer in the corner shaking her head in seeming disappointment, and her hopes drop again. An aide gives her a test, but Spensa doesn't have a pencil in her pocket, only her father's pin. Rig tosses her a spare pencil, and she silently thanks him. Looking at her test, Spensa realizes that the questions are all about algae preparation, something she didn't study for due to having to miss class to go hunting, and her obsession with becoming a pilot making her only attend piloting-relevant classes in the time she has left. She peeks as fellow tester Darla's paper, and sees questions about piloting on it. An aide announces that everyone has different tests, so cheating is useless. Angry, Spensa realizes that they gave her a special test designed to make her fail. She continues working on her test, which asks questions relating to other fields the adults tried to put her in. She tries her best, but is unable to answer about two-thirds of them. The test ends, and Ironsides comes over and looks at her. Spensa shows her her father's pin, saying that she would like to petition to enter flightFlight schoolSchool due to being the daughter of a pilot who fought at the Battle of Alta. Ironsides says that she isn't accepting the pin of a traitor and grabs it, asking where she even got it. Spensa tells her he gave it to her before he left, and Ironsides tells her that letting her in would be a public relations nightmare, before turning to leave. Spensa tries to ask her to give the pin back, but Ironsides tells her that the families of cowards aren't allowed to keep the pin, and walks off. Rig comes over and asks her to go to the post-testing party with him, but Spensa tells him to leave her alone.
=== Chapter 6 ===
=== Chapter 10 ===
Spensa and Rig exit the training room and begin jogging towards the launchpad. Cobb radios in to the flight as they're running to the launchpad, and mistakenly identifies Kimmalyn as Quirk, a name that sticks. Spensa enters a FresaPoco-class starship, and a member of the ground crew informs her of its basic differences from the mockpit she practiced on. She activates the acclivity ring, and lifts off, feeling the g-forces of flying for the first time. She levels out at fifteen hundred feet, and Jerkface does a roll call. Cobb informs Jerkface that flight command has ordered them to climb to two thousand feet and hover above the city, hoping to trick any Krell that come near into thinking that their rookie flight was a fresh set of veteran reinforcements. While waiting, Spensa and Arturo explain the basic strategy of the Krell; large bombers carry precious lifebuster bombs, that if dropped on the city, would vaporize all of Alta Base, Igneous Cavern, and destroy some of the lower caverns. After a little more waiting, Spensa spots a Krell ship heading towards Alta Base at 11 o'clock, two hundred feet down. Jerkface informs Cobb, Cobb informs flight command, and Jerkface and Nedder are given the command to go after the lone Krell ship. Spensa breaks formation to join Jerkface and Nedder, and Cobb orders Hurl to follow as her wingmate. The four cadets streak toward the Krell ship, hoping to intercept it before it reaches Alta Base, when it suddenly swoops around and flies toward them.
Spensa and Rig exit the training room and begin jogging towards the launchpad. Cobb radios in to the flight as they're running to the launchpad, and mistakenly identifies Kimmalyn as Quirk, a name that sticks. Spensa enters a Fresa-class starship, and a member of the ground crew informs her of its basic differences from the mockpit she practiced on. She activates the acclivity ring, and lifts off, feeling the g-forces of flying for the first time. She levels out at fifteen hundred feet, and Jerkface does a roll call. Cobb informs Jerkface that flight command has ordered them to climb to two thousand feet and hover above the city, hoping to trick any Krell that come near into thinking that their rookie flight was a fresh set of veteran reinforcements. While waiting, Spensa and Arturo explain the basic strategy of the Krell; large bombers carry precious lifebuster bombs, that if dropped on the city, would vaporize all of Alta Base, Igneous Cavern, and destroy some of the lower caverns. After a little more waiting, Spensa spots a Krell ship heading towards Alta Base at 11 o'clock, two hundred feet down. Jerkface informs Cobb, Cobb informs flight command, and Jerkface and Nedder are given the command to go after the lone Krell ship. Spensa breaks formation to join Jerkface and Nedder, and Cobb orders Hurl to follow as her wingmate. The four cadets streak toward the Krell ship, hoping to intercept it before it reaches Alta Base, when it suddenly swoops around and flies toward them.
=== Chapter 11 ===
As the Krell starship approaches, Spensa attempts to pull into a turn she's drawn thousands of times, only to realize it is much more difficult to pull off in real life, almost crashing into Hurl. Whilst performing a series of dogfighting maneuvers with Nedd and the Krell ship, Jorgen pulls off a near-perfect twin-S dodge. Cobb warns Jorgen to avoid performing complex skill maneuvers, as it will allow the Krell to identify him as a flightleader, and therefore target him. After performing a perfect Ahlstrom loop, Jorgen attempts another spin, this time less successful, leading the Krell back towards the other six members of the flight. The members of the flight scatter, but Morningtide clips Bim in the scuffle, ans some of the. Krell's destructor blasts hit Rig head on, but his shield holds, and Kimmalyn accidentallydropped leanedfive onhundred feet below her altitudeflightmates controlto try and droppedline fiveup hundreda feetdestructor shot. Jorgen decides to lure the Krell ship higher so Alta's AA guns can reach it, only to realize his shield is down. Spensa nearly blacks out from g-forces in a rush to save him, only for Kimmalyn to snipe the unshielded Krell ship from far below. Rig reveals he threw up in his ship, so Cobb tells him to return to the launchpad, with Hurl as an escort. Cobb reveals Kimmalyn's recommendation to the flightFlight schoolSchool because of her accuracy record as a gunner from Bountiful Cavern, and the flight retreats to the launchpad as Nightmare Flight come to relieve them. The flight is shown their bunks, but Spensa is not given one, and is told by Cobb that Ironsides has forbidden her access to a bunk or the mess hall, and that she must take the elevator to andget from IgneousbetweenIgneous Cavern to get to and from flightFlight schoolSchool every day. Two MPs escort her off the premises, and she overhears Jorgen and Cobb talking about the insubordinanceinsubordination of the flight. Jorgen leaves in an extremely expensive private coveragecar, and Spensa walks off toward the waiting area for the elevators. As she's waiting in line, she realizes that her secret cavern is probably a quicker commute than going all the way back to Igneous, so she goes there and falls asleep in the cockpit of the old ship.
As the Krell starship approaches, Spensa attempts to pull into a turn she's drawn thousands of times, only to realize it is much more difficult to pull off in real life, almost crashing into Hurl. Whilst performing a series of dogfighting maneuvers with Nedd and the Krell ship, Jorgen pulls off a near-perfect twin-S dodge. Cobb warns Jorgen to avoid performing complex skill maneuvers, as it will allow the Krell to identify him as a flightleader, and therefore target him. After performing a perfect Ahlstrom loop, Jorgen attempts another spin, this time less successful, leading the Krell back towards the other six members of the flight. The members of the flight scatter, but Morningtide clips Bim in the scuffle, ans some of the Krell's destructor blasts hit Rig head on, but his shield holds, and Kimmalyn accidentally leaned on her altitude control and dropped five hundred feet. Jorgen decides to lure the Krell ship higher so Alta's AA guns can reach it, only to realize his shield is down. Spensa nearly blacks out from g-forces in a rush to save him, only for Kimmalyn to snipe the unshielded Krell ship from far below. Rig reveals he threw up in his ship, so Cobb tells him to return to the launchpad, with Hurl as an escort. Cobb reveals Kimmalyn's recommendation to the flight school because of her accuracy record as a gunner from Bountiful Cavern, and the flight retreats to the launchpad as Nightmare Flight come to relieve them. The flight is shown their bunks, but Spensa is not given one, and is told by Cobb that Ironsides has forbidden her access to a bunk or the mess hall, and that she must take the elevator to and from Igneous Cavern to get to and from flight school every day. Two MPs escort her off the premises, and she overhears Jorgen and Cobb talking about the insubordinance of the flight. Jorgen leaves in an extremely expensive private coverage, and Spensa walks off toward the waiting area for the elevators. As she's waiting in line, she realizes that her secret cavern is probably a quicker commute than going all the way back to Igneous, so she goes there and falls asleep in the cockpit of the old ship.
=== Chapter 12 ===
=== Chapter 13 ===
Early in the morning, Spensa heads to the lavatory, to which she is allowed access, to wash her clothes. Afterwards, she heads to class, and realizes that Rig is late again. Cobb comes in and notices the empty seat, then understandingly nods at Rig when he finally arrives. Rig turns to leave, and Cobb notes that there is always a cadet who decides that they aren't pilot material after their first fight. Spensa chases after him, asking on why he is leaving and giving up. Rig tells her that he realizes that he wasn't fit for battle, and that he should probably find another more suitable job. Cobb calls her back into the classroom, then starts having the cadets practice flying in unison. They spend the morning practicing turning, with Bim constantly asking about weapons. Hurl flies into FM's ship, causing both to crash. Cobb tells the cadets to eject if they get into uncontrolled spins like what happened earlier. As they practice landing their ships, Cobb emphasizes ejecting in the case of an emergency, though Spensa doesn't take it to heart because she feels that she will get kicked out of flightFlight schoolSchool if she ejects as a cadet, and can worry about it after becoming a full pilot. As everyone else goes to the mess hall for lunch, Cobb talks with Spensa and learns that she didn't take the elevator home to Igneous last night because she lives in the cave nearby and that she forgot to bring lunch for the day. Spensa takes a walk in the orchard outside the DDF base, looking up at the debris field above and wondering about the people that came before. As she heads back to class, Spensa notices some small vehicle hangars, one of which has Jorgen's blue hovercar in it. Heading in, Spensa sees Morningtide eating lunch alone and tries to talk, but the other girl doesn't respond much. The other cadets come in, and Kimmalyn gives Spensa a roll to make up for her missing lunch. Cobb asks the cadets about their feelings before practicing more turns. Among other things, Morningtide's response reveals that she can't speak English very well, and FM is uncomfortable with the DDF's military culture.
=== Chapter 14 ===
=== Chapter 16 ===
Spensa wakes up in the cockpit, and sees the power matrix from Jorgen's car she stole last night. She panics thinking that she might be caught and get kicked out of flightFlight schoolSchool for the act, but nobody seems to catch on and she goes through the day as normal. Spensa notices that nearly everyone seems to be dancing around her being the daughter of a coward, other than Kimmalyn, who simply notes that this might be what causes Spensa's attitude and comforts her. At the end of the day, Spensa heads back to the ship and installs the power matrix. The ship's systems start up and it greets Spensa, who realizes that it can talk.
=== Chapter 17 ===
=== Chapter 24 ===
Spensa sits on one of the benches in the orchard near the DDF complex contemplating her fight with Jorgen and her imminent expulsion from the flightFlight schoolSchool. She then turns on M-Bot's radio and finally explains to him the Krell's goal of wiping out the human race. She then realizes that she is hurting humanity's cause by jeopardizing her place in the flightFlight schoolSchool by getting in a petty squabble with her flightleader. Humanity needs as many capable pilots as they can get. Her father's words of "[Setting] your sights on something higher" echo in her mind before she asks M-Bot if he has any memories of what human civilization was like before they came to Detritus. She heads over to Cobb's office, which is dark, so instead asks a passing aide where the admiral would be to which the aide responds that the admiral doesn't have time for cadets and to find her flight instructor. Spensa answers, and the aide asks her if she has a complaint, to which Spensa responds yes, and is given the information that Admiral Ironsides is in Building C. As Spensa is heading over, M-Bot plays Antonín Dvořák's New World Symphony over the radio and Spensa is overcome with awe and amazement, as the only music on Detritus consists of trios of musicians, however, the Symphony must have taken hundreds of performers who had spent thousands of hours perfecting each of their instruments, hours humans on Detritus only used to survive. Zeen's words again "Set your sights on something higher." She then proceeds to Ironsides' office, only for Ironsides to exit the building with Jorgen in tow. Spensa begins to demand punishment, only for Jorgen to slam the door as a distraction, and he then leads her away from Ironsides. Spensa, confused, asks Jorgen why he wouldn't let her turn herself in, to which he responds that the flight can't lose another pilot. He apologizes for calling her out in front of everyone else, and she tells him that it was her who stole his hover car's power matrix. He is astounded, but again brushes it aside for the good of the flight. Spensa's view of Jorgen changes here, as she realizes although he may be rude sometimes, he is a good leader, always putting the flight before himself.
=== Chapter 25 ===