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(→‎Chapter 119: Unity: added summary)
;Plot Summary
Wit stands in line behind a big man, speaking about how all great art is hated, since people have varying tastes, but that if something is not hated, then it cannot be great art. He starts insulting the man in front of him in Alethi, but then realizes that he can only speak Thaylen. Unwilling to repeat himself, Wit simply cuts the man in line, causing him to get punched in the jaw and lose a tooth. He thanks the man before walking away into an alley, letting himself take in the sights and sounds of the miserable people nearby. Wit then makes his way to a courtyard near the palace, where he talks to a woman named Kheni sitting by an empty cradle, continuing his speech on the values of art, asking how many people need to enjoy a work to make the hate worthwhile, before turning the conversation towards his appearance. He then picks up some rags from an old spren costume and ties them with a cord from his pocket, before making his way to a group of destroyed buildings. Wit goes to one that he detects life in, and a little girl sticks her head out. Wit speaks with her, and she tells him that she can't leave her mother (who is likely dead). He fashions a small doll from the scraps he is holding, and [[Awakening|Awakens]] it, having it walk down the street away from the building. This finally makes the girl come out, and she chases after the doll. He carries the girl to Kheni and her husband Cob, replying to his earlier question about the number of people needed to enjoy a work of art with that it only takes one person, then telling them that someone needs to take care of the girl, since he himself needs to leave the city.
Wit leaves and heads towards the palace, acting like a crazy beggar. He passes Vatwha, a Fused sentry, but she doesn't notice him. He approaches a section of the fallen palace that the Fused and singers are working particularly hard at clearing the rubble in, wondering if anyone else found it strange that they focused so much on that section. Wit encounters a pair of common singers, and bows several times and tries to sell them trinkets from his pocket, continuing his act. The guards try to shove him away, but Wit pretends to panic and runs deeper into the worksite. He gets shouted at to leave, and continues faking fright, then purposely trips himself against a wall that is still standing. He addresses an unseen entity, telling them that they don't have a lot of options, that he believes he is in the city to find themthe entity, and promises to give them juicy truths if they come out. A moving pattern slips out of the cracks and onto his hand, which he hides in his rags. The singer guards catch up to him and toss him into the gardens. After they leave, Wit addresses the frightened-seeming Cryptic on his hand with "Life before death, little one".
