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m (→‎Chapter 116: Alone: some edits)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar watches as Amaram's army enters the city. Suddenly Lift is there and asks what he wants her to do. He charges her with the task of stealing the ruby back. He warns her that the Fused who took it has similar powers to hers. She leaves, and Odium arrives with Venli and some other Fused.
Adolin and Pattern continue their charade, blending in with the illusions. One of the Fused cuts her hand with a knife and sprays the blood toward them. The blood passes through the illusions but hits Adolin. Now they know who is real, and the Fused attack Adolin, disarming him of his harpoon. He draws his only weapon left, his knife, and tries to apply his training with Zahel -- knife vs. spear. He successfully dodges the attack, but the Fused can fly, negating his skill. He runs Adolin through with his lance. He draws a sword to finish him off, and his deadeye savagely attacks the Fused. He struggles over toward Shallan, bleeding heavily.
The spren refuse to open the Oathgate. Shallan has tried everything, including a disguise. She is attacked by a Fused and barely dodges. When it swoops back around for another try, she somehow manifests a wall from the Physical Realm, and the Fused slams into it. Adolin arrives, bleeding from his gut and his back. They jump into the beads to get to Kaladin.
Lift slides through the army, easily dodging them as they try to grab her. She breaks free of them and slides on her knees, trailing after the Fused that appears to be holding something. She notices Lift and stops, saying something Lift can't understand, but it sounds like she is amused. She takes off with more grace than Lift has, and she follows.
Nin and Szeth watch the battle. The Skybreakers will swear to the Dawnsingers since Roshar is their home. Szeth hesitates to do the same, not trusting his judgment. He asks if he can follow a person instead of the law when he swears the Third Ideal. Nin cautions that men have caused him pain before when he followed them. Szeth looks at Dalinar and wonders if he was just following the wrong ones.
Kaladin crashes into the beads and struggles to swim. Despite his efforts, he is pulled under. Syl grabs him and pulls him up the bank. Adolin and Shallan are there too, and Kaladin tries to treat Adolin's wounds. He is gravely injured and asks for a knife to finish himself off. They are out of Stormlight. Syl encourages Kaladin to say the Words.
Odium takes Dalinar by the shoulder. Dalinar senses his immense power and knows it is hopeless to fight him. He remembers Honor's advice and asks for a test of champions.
Lift continues to follow her quarry, weaving through the soldiers waiting impatiently to enter the city. She tries standing up so she can gain on her, but she is thrown to the ground by the stomping of a thunderclast. The monster slams a fist down again, killing three soldiers and crushing Lift. She manages to heal and draw Wyndle as a rod as the thunderclast prepares to attack again. A spear of light slices the creature in two and it evaporates. Szeth is there, holding Nightblood, drawn. He asks her what his master the Blackthorn has assigned her to do, and he joins her.
Navani runs toward Dalinar, unlatching her fabrial and using it as light in the dark stairwell. She is slammed against the wall by soldiers with red eyes. They hold Fen and Kmakl as well, anticipating a generous reward from Amaram.
Ash searches through the Alethi camp, stopping to deface an image of herself on a brazier. She marvels that Odium can bond his spren to humans and has created his own storm. She finds Taln in a tent.
Renarin looks at the stained glass in the temple and sees various futures. He sees Jasnah striking him down. To his horror, he sees Dalinar become the champion of Odium.
Dalinar is certain now, he wants a contest of champions. Odium makes sure that this is his true desire, and Dalinar confirms it. Dalinar guesses that Amaram will be his opponent, but in fact ''he'' is the chosen champion of Odium. The Thrill rushes into him.
{{anchor|Chapter 118}}
