Difference between revisions of "Summary:Oathbringer"

→‎Chapter 92: Water Warm as Blood: previous edit was way too long and had not even gotten through the whole chapter -- rewritten
m (→‎Chapter 91: Why He Froze: some edits, and added summary of the last half of the chapter)
(→‎Chapter 92: Water Warm as Blood: previous edit was way too long and had not even gotten through the whole chapter -- rewritten)
;Plot Summary
Szeth and the other Skybreaker hopefuls are dropped off at a town on the northern border of the Purelake for their first test. A tall, strong man impatiently tells them that a group of convicts escaped hours ago, and that they can be identified by the tattoos on their foreheads. Many of the hopefuls and squires being tested run off, already searching for the escapees. Szeth lingers and asks Ki about why they were notified and allowed to act, and she tells him that since appearance of the Everstorm, the Skybreakers have been expanding their influence and accepted by some governments as a lawkeeping force. Ki then explains the current situation, elaborating on how the convicts were kept alive despite their guilt because of the "Reshi idealists" in the region, and that the convicts are gathered in the local prison, which is maintained by Minister [[Kwati]] with the funds he is given. Szeth is a bit confused by the purpose of the test. As he and a few other remaining squires leave, Ki asks Szeth on why he is willing to walk on stone when all the other Shin she has met call it holy and refuse, and he tells her that if stone really was holy, he would have been burned away a long time ago. Szeth enters the Purelake, noting the water's warmth. The sword tells him that he is far behind the others. Szeth replies that he once heard a single voice similar to the sword's when he was young, and that he hopes that "things go better this time", hinting at his past. He continues searching for a criminal, and spends more time conversing with the sword.
The Skybreaker test is at the Purelake. Several convicts have escaped from a prison and all have a writ of death. [[Kwati]] runs the prison nearby, getting funding from the Reshis. Szeth finally sets out into the lake after all the other squires have left. Sword-nimi complains that he's behind because he hung around to ask questions about the situation. He walks along the bank and sees a tree with disturbed branches. He saunters past, pretending not to notice, hoping the criminal will stay hidden, but he leaps at Szeth with a dagger. Szeth notices how filthy and scrawny the man is. They grapple for a while, and Szeth disarms the man. He recovers the dagger, but then sees Nightblood and approaches it with lust in his eyes. He picks it up, then Szeth punches him and grabs the sword and whacks him on the back. The force of the blow paralyzes the man. A quick interrogation reveals that they escaped by killing the guard -- he knew it was foolish, but he was desperate to see the sun again. Szeth allows the man to drown. Next he goes to the prison and finds a filthy, poorly lit building with one dead guard. Szeth returns to the town and accuses Kwati of allowing terrible conditions at the prison and stealing the money meant to run the prison. He asks Ki if there is a writ of execution for him, and Ki replies that it's the first one they got. Szeth draws Nightblood and kills him, but he has insufficient Stormlight available. His arm is racked with pain and he hurriedly sheathes it. His arm has turned gray. He asks for some water.
Sword-nimi eventually becomes coherent and congratulates Szeth for drawing him. Vivenna had never done so. Ki returns with water and takes him as her squire. He recites the second ideal and is able to breathe in Stormlight again. He relishes returning to the skies.
{{anchor|Chapter 93}}
