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m (→‎Chapter 50: Shash Thirty-seven: added highstorm link)
m (capitalization fixes)
;Plot Summary
:''Thirty-one years ago''
Dalinar sits at a feast while [[Toh]] talks with Gavilar. He's bored by politics and wishes that instead he could go and eat with his men. Dalinar starts to eat and realizes he doesn't have his knife with him. He wants to just dig in with his hands, but everyone is using utensils, so he leaves the dining hall in the middle of the Highstormhighstorm to go find his knife. He finds the bunker where Teleb is and pounds on the door. When no one answers, he summons his Shardblade and cuts his way in. Teleb tells him that he returned his knife, so Dalinar heads back. He dodges a boulder on the way and sees some sort of monster on glowing legs. He forces his way back into the feast hall, and everyone stares at him incredulously. Toh is disturbed and excuses himself. Gavilar is actually glad because Dalinar just demonstrated that he could protect them. Navani walks in, so Dalinar orders more strong wine. She and Ialai join the king, and they discuss Toh and his wife, who is deemed to be dense, but honest. Toh is bargaining with Shardplate that he has stolen from his native land, [[Rira]]. They discuss the possibility of Dalinar marrying Evi and gaining the Shardplate. A servant brings Dalinar a knife, but it's too small; Dalinar bends it cutting his steak. He spots Evi across the room and admires her blonde hair. Then he finally spots a good knife: in the hands of an assassin taking Gavilar's plates. Dalinar knocks the man down to the floor and stabs him repeatedly, killing him. Then he washes the blood off the knife with his wine and starts eating with it. He agrees to marry Evi to help forge an alliance. Gavilar is sure they'll accept after seeing Dalinar in action.
{{anchor|Chapter 20}}
;Plot Summary
Kaladin bandages a cut on Khen's arm and explains to the parshmen how to treat wounds. He advises Sah to tighten the leather straps on an axe so the head won't fly off. Sah complies, but resents that he is being ordered about, that he has to learn things he should already know. He resents the yellow spren as well, who is apparently constantly ordering them about. Kaladin tells him that he doesn't have to fight the humans, but Sah believes that they will try to enslave him again. Syl informs Kaladin that a Highstormhighstorm is coming soon. He is starting to regret spending time with the parshmen and teaching them because he sympathizes with them. He knows he will probably have to fight against them.
{{anchor|Chapter 21}}
;Plot Summary
Kaladin and the parshmen reach a city. He sees thousands of parshemen, but few are as prepared and well-outfitted as his band. Sah marvels that they have their own city now. Kaladin sees signs of fighting and wonders where the humans are. Syl reports that they are in the parshmen quarters and open pens and warns that another Highstormhighstorm is coming. A parshmen scribe orders them to send Kaladin to the pens, but Khen reluctantly recommends that he be allowed to fight with them. The scribe refers them to a [[Fused]], a Parshendi-like creature with lots of carapace and red eyes. It heads over and Kaladin decides it's time to go. He grabs a bag of spheres from Khen and flies off, the Highstormhighstorm rumbling in the distance. He asks Syl for directions to Urithiru, but she doesn't know the way. He heads east and spies the humans in open pens below. He drops down and tells them to take shelter. Two flying Fused suddenly attack. They have similar powers to him, but aren't as experienced and can't fly through a Highstormhighstorm as well as Kaladin. He pleads with the Stormfather to divert the storm, but he won't stop. He goes back down and desperately tries to save as many people as possible, but it's not enough. He lashes out with Stormlight and creates a barrier made of windspren, diverting the storm. More people make it inside. One of the Fused is back, but Kaladin lets the storm carry him away as he Lashes himself upward. The Fused give chase but cannot keep up. Syl directs him to Urithiru.
{{anchor|Chapter 32}}
;Plot Summary
Dalinar flies with Kaladin and some squires, Navani at his side. He marvels that Kaladin has enough control to fly at the edge of a [[Highstorm]]highstorm, and the Stormfather speaks up, perceiving that he is thinking of him. Kaladin then touches all of them, and they all slow to stop, hanging in the air above warcamps. They take in the view, then Kaladin touches them all again, bringing them gently to the ground. The guard hurries them inside the camp, as the Parshendi have been seen nearby, and Dalinar gets a tour of his warcamp from [[Jasalai]], the scribe left in charge. After a meal, Navani talks with [[Rushu]] about a proposed flying ship of some kind. The spanreed for Queen Fen starts blinking, and she says "yes" to visiting Urithiru. She had visited the Aharietiam vision on her own that morning. They make arrangements and Dalinar leaves the room. He wanders around the monastery and runs into Kadash. He tells him he's looking for the madman that was housed here. Kadash tells him which building and asks Dalinar if he really thinks he was a Herald. Dalinar believes it likely and asks him if he would accept his word if he agreed with Dalinar's heretical claims. Kadash would find it hard to change. He spies one of his spanreeds, which has just finished writing. It is from the Palanaeum, where scribes are using the Dawnchant clues Dalinar got from the visions. Dalinar exults that he believes that the visions are true, but Kadash is skeptical of the source. Dalinar goes to room 37, the madman's room, which is locked. He asks the Stormfather if he can use his powers, but they won't work here. He finally goes outside and sees a hole already cut out by a Shardblade in the outside wall. He searches the room and finds a dart. Kaladin arrives and identifies Blackbane poison on the tip. As they gather and leave the warcamp, Dalinar orders Kaladin to fly to Thaylen City in the next Highstormhighstorm.
{{anchor|Chapter 51}}