Difference between revisions of "Summary:Oathbringer"

m (→‎Chapter 67: Mishim: some tweaks)
;Plot Summary
He leads her to an inn and they are admitted to a private dining area. Wit compliments Shallan on her disguise. She probes him for information on who he is, suspecting that he's a Herald. He claims to be much older than they. Shallan looks into his eyes and sees eons of time passing. He has made a vow to be "there" when he is needed. They banter, and it comes out that Sadeas has been murdered. Wit is disappointed that he wasn't around for that. He does know that he needs to be in the city, but doesn't know why. The innkeeper brings some food, and Shallan eats while Wit seems distracted. She tells him that she wants to be like him, to be able to change the world. He cautions her to be careful with power and to be wary of anyone who claims to see the future. She asks him about the cult on the Oathgate platform. The Unmade known as the [[Ashertmarn|Heart of the Revel]] is there, and every night the members feast. If she can obtain non-soulcast food, she may be able to join the party. Wit makes an abrupt exit, and she asks Pattern if he knows who Wit is, and he says that he feels like one of them.
{{anchor|Chapter 69}}
