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;Plot Summary
Adolin freshens up after a long night of worrying. He summons his Shardblade and thanks it. He promises to use it for good. He returns to the others as they plan the assault on the palace. The Windrunners are tasked with getting the queen and Elhokar's son out. Shallan will try to distract the Fused and somehow defeat the Unmade blocking the Oathgate. They hear drums announcing the assault, and they march. As they arrive at the palace, a Thunderclast climbs up the city walls, sweeping men off the wall like cremlings. It hurls a boulder at them, and Kaladin flies up to it and Lashes back in its direction, missing it. Shallan and the Windrunners go off to fight the Fused; Azure and Adolin charge the palace with their small army. The tower guard retreats inside and closes the doors, but Adolin's and Elhokar's Shardblades cut through the doors and walls to allow them in. Azure cuts her way in as well, using her shorter blade to slice enemy spears. Adolin charges in with his Shardblade, cutting down dozens and breaking the defensive formation. The enemy regroups, blocking the eastern gallery. The noise outside has subsided; the parshmen have apparently broken through and will be heading to the palace. Azure orders her men forward to try to break through. Meanwhile, Adolin and Elhokar cut through a door locked from the outside and find "traitor" palace guards who wouldn't obey the queen. Adolin starts hearing a voice in his head that cuts to his soul, glorying in the sweet passion of the battle. Azure's men have finally broken the defenders, and after they retreat, Kaladin and his squires appear, glowing brilliantly, announcing that the gallery is secure. Elhokar leads a force up to the royal chambers to get his family; Kaladin goes with him. Shallan summons her Shardblade and proceeds toward the Oathgate platform. Adolin clears the enemy out with his Shardblade with some help from Skar. They reach the control room and see the Unmade. Shallan walks forward to engage it.
{{anchor|Chapter 84}}
