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(→‎Chapter 119: Unity: added summary)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar refuses to let Odium have the responsibility for his atrocities. Amaram and the Fused nearby shy back as gloryspren circle Dalinar. He feels the presence of the Stormfather again and says the next oath, taking responsibility for his crimes but promising to always do better.
Renarin and Jasnah race after the light and gloryspren gathering at the base of the wall.
Dalinar hears "unite them!" in his mind as thousands of gloryspren stream around him.
Syl senses what is happening and tells Kaladin that maybe this time someone can rescue him for a change.
Dalinar reaches his left hand into the Cognitive Realm and his right into the Spiritual Realm as his enemies stumble backward -- all but Venli. He hears Evi's voice; she forgives him. He combines the Realms together.
Light explodes in Shadesmar and the attacking Fused are driven away. A glowing pillar appears, which Syl identifies as Honor's perpendicularity.
Taln asks Ash how long it has been since the last Desolation. He's overjoyed to hear that it's been four thousand years. Humans have a chance this time because they were able to advance. He goes to meet "him," pulling Ash along.
Teft finally says the next oath of the Windrunners, of a slightly different form than Kaladin's. He swears to protect those he hates, even if the one he hates the most is himself.
Jasnah and Renarin reach the possessed troops. She uses soulcasting and her shardblade to sweep them away. Renarin feels a surge of Stormlight and sees the column of light, stretching into the clouds.
Navani is overcome with joy as gloryspren stream around her, flying towards Dalinar. All of the gemstones scattered on the ground light up, taking in the Stormlight from Dalinar.
Odium orders his minions to attack Dalinar. Amaram steps up, and Dalinar tries to persuade him to follow his lead. But Amaram cannot forgive himself, and he attacks with Oathbringer. Kaladin parries with a shard-spear and emerges from the column. Shallan and Adolin follow.
Lift fights against the sword, black veins creeping up her arms. Suddenly, the gemstones on the ground light up, and Szeth drinks up the Stormlight, sating the sword. Lift scolds Nightblood for almost eating them, and she (Nightblood) drowsily replies that she was really hungry. They head toward the column of light.
The power fades, the gloryspren disperse, and Dalinar is left feeling exhausted. The Stormfather is unsure what has happened. Dalinar says they have a [[Connection]] different from what was possible when Honor was alive. The Knights Radiant gather around Dalinar. The Stormfather recognizes Taln and Ash as they arrive. Kaladin asks for orders. They are still impossibly outnumbered by Amaram's troops, who are recovering their composure and are still consumed with the Thrill. He orders Renarin to secure the Oathgate, Shallan to conjure up an army, Jasnah to defend the hole in the wall, and Kaladin to engage Amaram. He reiterates his previous order to Lift and Szeth. He walks toward the water for his own task.
{{anchor|Chapter 120}}