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;Plot Summary
Shallan is in a meeting with Dalinar and the highprinces, not really paying attention. She should act as Radiant would, but she draws instead. She shows a picture of the creature she chased to Pattern, and he doesn't know what it is exactly, only that it is of Odium. Next she turns to her sketches of the victims. She realizes that each of the second victims looks like the first ones. Malata wanders over to talk with Shallan. She says she doesn't belong to Taravangian, that [[Spark]] suggested they check out Urithiru. Shallan does not see the her spren. Malata suggests that the Radiants need not gather, that the Desolation claimed by the Alethis may be made up. She leaves, then Ialai enters, announcing that Amaram is the highprince of the Sedeas princedom. Dalinar accepts him, but Adolin insults him and is dismissed by his father. Shallan follows and tells Adolin that she thinks that Amaram killed her brother. She's shocked when Adolin reveals that Kaladin was the one who killed the Shardbearer on the battlefield that day, saving Amaram. Adolin goes off to tend his horses, but Shallan stays behind and looks through her sketchbook again. She finds strange, violent pictures that she doesn't remember drawing. Unnerved, she goes to find her soldiers to give them something dangerous to do.
Shallan is drawing pictures of the victims. She realizes each of the second victims looks like the first ones. Pattern confirms that the black blob was of Odium but doesn't exactly say what it is. Shallan is in a meeting but isn't focusing on it. She and Dalinar recreated the map. Shallan briefly speaks with Malata, the Dustbringer who came with Taravangian, who Shallan finds annoyting while Pattern remarks that Dustbringer's spren like to break things around them to see how they look inside. Shallan begins to focus when Ialai Sadeas comes and tells that Amaram will be the heir to Sadeas princedom. It is accepted by Elohkar and Dalinar. Adolin is angered and he is asked to leave. Shallan follows him out. Shallan tells him that she thinks Amaram killed her brother and Adolin tells her that Amaram got the blade from Kaladin.
{{anchor|Chapter 28}}