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Adolin feels the part of his soft new flesh that was once his wound. He reflects on the feeling of being fragile, and being drawn through the Perpendicularity created by Dalinar. Shallan checks on Adolin's wound, and he tells her to go and save the city and to "be radiant." Shallan leaves Adolin, draws Pattern as a shardbladeShardblade and Lightweaves an army. Without a specific task, Adolin goes into city to find Jasnah standing amidst a previous battlefield. Adolin summons his shardbladeShardblade, and after it doesn't scream in his hands, apologizes and thanks it, then rushes to join a nearby battle.
Kaladin and a red-eyed Amaram meet each other, with Amaram drawing both Oathbringer and his second shardbladeShardblade (Helaran's blade that Kaladin had won and Amaram had stolen). Amaram's shardplateShardplate begins pulsing red and leaking black smoke, and he suddenly attacks.
Shallan pulls forth her army of drawings (including ones she had lost, such as Yalb), still holding Pattern as a shardbladeShardblade. She Lightweaves her brothers, her mother and father, and the illusions start to falter until she feels someone grab her left hand; Veil. She is startled, and then feels someone take her other hand; Radiant in her glowing shard plate. Shallan commands her illusions to attack.
Adolin leads a small group of troops through the city after some enemy troops converging on Jasnah's position. He is interrupted by several red-eyed soldiers falling through the air, seemingly thrown. He peaks around the corner to see Jasnah standing alone, surrounded by a fading, glowing silhouette of smoke geometric shapes that had been outlining her. With Jasnah not needing help, Adolin and his group rush to the aid of Thaylen soldiers fighting a larger group of enemies. Adolin attacks the rear of the enemy formation with his shardbladeShardblade, killing all of them. A voice from the crowd, Kdralk the son of Queen Fen from Thaylenah, asks for Adolin's help as his mother and father are trapped behind the wall.
Jasnah dismisses Ivory as a shardbladeShardblade, and the two have a conversation of the three realms. Jasnah can now see gloryspren in the way they appear in the cognitive realm, which she notes as one of the less unnerving things they'd seen that day. She feels an immense amount of stormlightStormlight inside of herself, and when soldiers break through Shallan's army of illusions, she finds it extremely simple to soulcastSoulcast them to smoke, something that would have taken an extreme amount of effort and concentration in the past. Ivory remarks that the three realms were slowly separating back to normal, and Jasnah states that they should take advantage of them while they can. She approaches a giant hole in the wall, and raises her hands.
Jasnah hears a murmur in the debris and soulcastsSoulcasts the rubble to reveal the corpse of a Thaylen shardbarrerShardbearer and his blade. Adolin orders Kdralk to take soldiers, retrieve the shardbladeShardblade and to rescue troops throughout the city. Adolin summons his blade, and goes to help take down the Thunderclast.
Amaram and Kaladin fight, as Amaram slowly continues to transform. Kaladin breaks off his attack to help defend Dalinar, and barely avoids arrows shot by Amaram from a shardbowShardbow.
Jasnah lingers between realms, and soulcastsSoulcasts air into steps to the top of the wall to meet Navani and Queen Fen. She notices that Shallan is nearly out of stormlightStormlight from crating her illusory army, and tells Navani that they need to rally a defense. Jasnah defends the group from two Fused nonchalantly, setting one on fire and bisecting the other. Jasnah commands that they must hold the wall by conventional means until Urithiru sends reinforcements.
Adolin joins the fight between the Thunderclast and the Thaylen army, using his shardbladeShardblade. As he ponders the purpose of the shardbladeShardblade against the Thunderclast, he senses a "tickle" in his mind and hears one word, Mayalaran (the name of his shardbladeShardblade). Adolin manages to injure the Thunderclast multiple times, managing to hack one of the feet free. As Adolin is fighting the Thunderclast, he's grabbed by a hand in shardplateShardplate and ripped into a nearby shop.
Adolin is greeted by the Thaylen shardbearerShardbearer, Hrdalm. Hrdalm is overtaken by two Fused, and Adolin manages to throw his shardbladeShardblade Maya at one, finishing it off while Hrdalm bats the other away. Adolin manages to slice off a finger of the Thunderclast, but is knocked back by a slap, his shardbladeShardblade dropping and disappearing. Adolin frantically moves to escape the Thunderclast, counting out heartbeats for his shardbladeShardblade. As he reaches the seventh count, he consciously calls to Maya, and she appears in his hand three seconds early. After Adolin is knocked down by the Thunderclast, Renarin appears carrying his shardbladeShardblade. UAdolinAdolin notices the Thunderclast steps back, seemingly afraid of Renarin. Renarin uses stormlightStormlight to heal Adolin, while commanding Adolin to retreat before charging the Thunderclast. Renarin is crushed by the Thunderclast, but heals and slices off the beasts hand. Adolin reluctantly lends Maya to Hrdalm, and then goes to help hold the streets.
Kaladin continues fighting a transforming Amaram. Syl changes into a shield and helps Kaladin disarm one of Amaram's shardbladesShardblades, although Kaladin isn't able to use this to his advantage as he was fighting both Amaram and a large Fused. Kaladin allows the Fused to impale him, then lashes the Fused up into the sky through the mist. Kaladin and Amaram continue their battle amidst the Everstorm, Amaram explaining his motives. Kaladin goads Amaram, pressing the High Prince to attack. Enraged, Amaram jumped up to Kaladin and hung in the air, right where Kaladin had wanted him. Fighting in the sky, Kaladin manages to crack the gemstone in Amaram's chest, and the Amaram falls to the ground defeated. As Amaram collapses, eight Fused (including the one Kaladin sent flying) return to fight Kaladin in order to remove him from helping Dalinar.
Renarin and Hrdalm have finished breaking off both of the Thunderclasts legs, as well as one of its arms. Glys tells Renarin how to defeat Thunderclast, drawing in a large amount of stormlightStormlight. Hrdalm is sent to help the battle while Renarin goes for the Oathgate.
Stormlight running out and body overtaxed, Shallan's illusions falter and fail. The Fused move through the dying illusions toward Shallan, Veil and Radiant, but Jasnah steps between them and the approaching Fused. Jasnah soulcastsSoulcasts a barrier of flames. Jasnah reaches for Shallan, but instead Shallan puffs away into smoke, revealing that the "real" Shallan was in the form of Radiant. Shallan asks Jasnah if she's real, which she confirms. Jasnah and Shallan go to leave the battle, and Shallan is mesmerized with how easily Jasnah soulcastsSoulcasts air into a prison of stone around the Fused.
Renarin makes his way to the Oathgate, where he observes a dozen Fused hovering above it. Renarin greets survivors (including Brightness Teshav) who inform him about Urithiru. Renarin replenishes his stormlightStormlight and goes to open the portal, shocked that no one told him to stop. Renarin and Glys as a shardbladeShardblade confront Fused at the gate, when he is suddenly struck with one of his fits, showing him a vision, leaving him smiling. Just then, the Oathgate erupts with light, and a Kholin Alethi division marches forth, led by a bearded man holding a large, silver shard spear, bathed in white; Teft.
Kaladin continues fighting and delaying the eight Fused. Kaladin manages to kill two of the Fused, but slowly runs out of stormlightStormlight and is incapacitated. Something behind Kaladin makes the Fused retreat, as Kaladin watches the red mist thrash and finally disappears. Amaram stumbles to his feet, drawing a shardbladeShardblade and moving toward Kaladin. As he is about to strike Kaladin, two large arrow strike Amaram, one in the head, the other breaking the gem in his chest, killing him. Kaladin looks up to see Rock, glowing brightly and holding Amaram's shardbowShardbow.
Lopen offers Kaladin stormlightStormlight infused spheres, healing his wounds. Lopen points out a weeping Dalinar, who is holding the large Ruby that in now the prison to the Unmade [[Nergaoul]] (The Thrill), flanked by Lift. Dalinar informs Kaladin that "it's over."
{{anchor|Chapter 121}}
