Difference between revisions of "Summary:Oathbringer"

(→‎Chapter 65: Verdict: added summary)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar arrives to a contingent of soldiers and several viziers and scions. He immediately presents the first essay from queen Fen, and they read and discuss it among themselves. He asks the Stormfather for help in understanding their language, so he guides him on how to do it. He touches one of the soldiers and uses Spiritual Adhesion to make a Connection. He can now understand and speak Azish. The lead vizier, Noura, is impressed that he has learned their language, but is about to dismiss him anyway. He proffers another essay, this time by Navani. She offers economic and technological benefits. He then gives them an essay by Jasnah. They are extremely impressed by the form of the writing, calling it a work of art. Dalinar persuades them to let him stay longer, and they agree to talk to the Prime and his council.
Dalinar is led to a small but comfortable room where he is to wait. He decides to eat some of the food sent with him, and he discovers that it's already eaten. Lift is there eating one of his sausages. He learns that she is an [[Order of Edgedancers|Edgedancer]], and she perceives that he's been to see the Nightwatcher because he "smells" like her. They eat quietly together for a while until Noura returns. They have accepted his offer of a visit to Urithiru. Several dignitaries and bureaucrats will be coming. Dalinar thanks her and is escorted back to the Oathgate. Noura expresses surprise at Dalinar's approach, saying that she instead expected an "animal" of war and blood. This triggers a memory in Dalinar, and after he is transported back he suddenly remembers everything about the Rift.
{{anchor|Chapter 66}}
