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→‎Chapter 88: Voices: added request for citation
m (→‎Chapter 88: Voices: added request for citation)
;Plot Summary
:''Eight years ago''
Dalinar attends a meeting with Gavilar and the heirs of the highprinces, acting as intimidation. He is still struggling with the events that occurred at the Rift three years ago. Since then, Gavilar (and Sadeas) have used the burning of the Rift as leverage to convince others to follow Gavilar's lead, with the implication that he can't control the Blackthorn and needs them to give him safer options by cooperating. Gavilar suggests that they light a fire in the hearth for warmth, which is signal to Dalinar that he can leave since he can't stand the sight and sound of fire. He leaves the room, looking for alcohol to drive out the screaming he hears. As he walks down a corridor, he smells the incense Renarin is burning, reminding him of Evi. As he searches for wine in various places in the palace, Dalinar encounters Adolin with a group of soldiers, wearing a specifically tailored uniform. Adolin proudly tells him about setting up a bout with [[Tenathar]] and getting closer to winning a Shardblade. Dalinar scolds him for being too familiar with him while in uniform, but Adolin is not insulted; he merely tries harder and responds with a formal invitation to watch the duel. Adolin runs off, and Dalinar eventually must resort to the [[Beggars' Porch]] where he meets up with [[Ahu]], a crazy beggar who always seems to have something to drink. As they drink, Ahu (who is actually Jezrien){{cite}} says strange things relating to various Desolations and being tortured. Afterwards, Dalinar drunkenly stumbles back to the wrong room and overhears a discussion between Gavilar, Elhokar, and Adolin about Dalinar's drinking. They're aware of all his attempts to find booze that evening and his visit to the Beggars' Porch. Their conversation brings memories of Evi back, so he stumbles off to his room and collapses on a couch.
{{anchor|Chapter 89}}
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