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Paige and Jax enter the White House. Wingflare greets them and speaks of the thrill of coming very close to death, then invites them further into the house. Paige and Jax try to escape, but the path to the white house has disappeared, so they follow. They follow Wingflare through the labyrinth that is the white house, getting separated in the process. Jax gets trapped in a series of rooms that appear to repeat infinitely, being so quickly rearranged by Wingflare. Wingflare continues to toy with Jax, using her powers to force him and Paige to play her game. Wingflare presents a death game in which three platters are presented, one with poison that would kill either reckoner, one with no poison, and one with poison that would kill only Wingflare. Each person must eat from one plate. Jax initially refuses to play the game - trying to break her bones with his sonic gun - but it fails. Jax comes to the realization that Wingflare's weakness is actually people who refuse to play games with her, and they use this to their advantage to successfully shoot her.
Inside, the White House has been completely redecorated, many things splattered with red paint. Wingflare appears, and Jax tries to shot the shockwave at her, but she uses her powers to pin his arms in place. Paige tries to attack her, but to no avail. Wingflare toys with them, disappearing from sight and keeping them in suspense. She separate the two of them, and Jax frantically tries to find Paige. Wingflare rearranges the rooms as Jax goes through them, keeping him in an endless loop. Wingflare appears, surrounding Jax with hundreds of floating knives.
Wingflare leads him to the old Oval Office, where three platters sit on the table, each one with a cover. Paige is there, and Wingflare announces that they are going to play a game. Wingflare tells them that she is deathly allergic to pine nuts, and that it’s her weakness. Wingflare tells Jax that each plate contains a piece of licorice. One piece is ordinary licorice, one is laced with pine sap, and one is laced with a lethal poison. She says that each of them must eat one of the pieces of licorice, and that Jax can choose who gets what.
Jax says she’s lying about her weakness, saying that it’s actually broke bones. Wingflare is initially shocked, and her grip on Jax loosens, allowing him to free his arms and fire the shockwave through her. It breaks her bones, but she heals, her powers still working. She takes back control of Jax, then demands that he picks a platter. She reveals that she has found the Wingflare motivator, and she destroys it. Jax realizes that Wingflare is hiding something, and figures out her weakness, which is people not playing games with her. Jax doesn’t pick a platter, refusing to play her game. Wingflare becomes enraged, and her weakness activates. Jax shoots Wingflare in the head, and Wingflare is unable to stop the bullet.
=== Chapter 39 ===