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=== Chapter 43 ===
David sneaks up behind Mizzy and holds his sheathed knife to her back and tells her to not move. He turns off her earpiece, but she grapples him and throws him to the ground, then punches him in anger. Mizzy goes for her mobile but David knocks it away from her off the rooftop. They stop fighting to hide as Newton searches the area. They overhear a telephone conversation that Newton is having with Regalia which indicates that she may be aware of the Reckoner's trap. David tells Mizzy about his conversation with Regalia and that the Epic already knew about the ambush, and that he is working with Firefight but that Firefight killed Sam in self-defense, and that Firefight saved David from Obliteration. Mizzy says that they are supposed to kill Epics since they are all evil. David thinks that he used to have the same attitude that Mizzy has, before he knew about Prof's powers. David tells Mizzy that they kill criminals, not Epics. David says they need to warn the others, and Mizzy gives him the spyril.
=== Chapter 44 ===