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=== Chapter 22 ===
Megan draws a gun on David, but he responds by returning her handgun to her and asking to talk. She says that David is dangerous because of his infectious beliefs, and that the Epics will never be overthrown or trustworthy, and that even Prof will eventually turn on them. Megan stalks off angry, but David compares her to a potato, and she stops to sit down and have a laughing fit. David asks her to share her feelings and she says being an Epic makes her feel like an self-centered unruly child who sees others only as impediments. She says that being around David makes it easier for her to control her emotions but she isn't sure why, though she does dispute his assertion that it is related to her weakness. She complains that she doesn't have very good powers, and that she has to rely on a handgun in lieu of offensive powers to kill, a fact that she has to keep secret from the other Epics. Megan gives a small object to David and tells him to ask Prof what it is. David tries to kiss Megan but she discourages him by pulling a gun on
him, then walks off saying she might not be a very sociable person by nature, though David noticed that she had the safety on, and thinks it must be love.
=== Chapter 23 ===