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=== Chapter 41 ===
David shoots a small hole in the window, causing a small leak, but is still locked in the room. He gathers some of the water in a drawer and calls out to Regalia, identifying himself and his location, and she sends an avatar of herself to talk to him, demonstrating that her powers have a greater range than they thought. David offers to serve Regalia and says that in exchange he wants Megan protected. Regalia breaks the plate glass window and tows David to the surface to a solid pedestal of water which carries him toward Babilar.
Regalia says that Calamity is an Epic and that he can be viewed through a telescope. She says that she told Calamity that David would make a great Epic and that she would enjoy watching him transform into something he hates. David is raised up on a pillar of water and Calamity appears there as a bright red light. David feels an electric sensation as Calamity transforms him. David is lowered back to sea level and Regalia says that David will receive thematically appropriate powers, possibly the same as the Epic who powered the spyrils. Regalia demands that David demonstrate his new powers. David vows to kill himself before giving into the darkness and reaches out to the water.
=== Chapter 42 ===